L.E.T1 What branch of philosophy is closely related to
education because it is concerned with human
knowledge in general and the criteria of truth?
a. Metaphysics c. Epistemology
b. Logic d. Ethics2 This is the philosophical study of the universe and
everything in it
a. Cosmology c. Metaphysics
b. Ethics d. Axiology3 What philosophy posits that a social teacher is a
revered person, central to the educative process
and therefore must be excellent mentally and
morally in personally conduct and conviction?
a. Realism c. Essentialism
b. Idealism d. Progressivism4 What would the aim of a realist education likely be?
a. Contribute to the development of mind and
b. Provide students with the knowledge he will
need to survive in the natural world
c. Give students insights into their traditions and
adapting students to society
d. Meet the need of a growing child rather than
emphasize the subject matter5 This philosophy emphasizes the teaching of
controversial issues to prepare students for a
progressive structuring of the social order
a. Progressivism c. Reconstructionism
b. Social traditionalism d. Social Experimentalism6 The philosophy whose criterion of truth is " seeing
is believing"
a. Essentialism c. Progressivism
b. Native realism d. Existentialism7 This is the systematic consistent explanation of all
the facts of experience. Its technical term is reason
which is considered as the best criterion of truth
a. Pragmatism c. Correspondence
b. Consistency d. Coherence8 This philosophy contends that truth is universal an
unchanging and therefore a good education is also
universal and constant
a. Perennialism c. Existentialism
b. Progressivism d. Essentialism9 Which philosophy has for its curriculum a body
intellectual subject matter that are conceptual on
subject, essential for the realization of mental and
moral development?
a. Realism c. Existentialism
b. Idealism d. Pragmatism10 A branch of Philosophy that studies the morality of
human action
a. Epistemology c. Ethics
b. Metaphysics d. Cosmology11 The area of Philosophy that specifically deals with
the problem of human values
a. criteriology c. Theodicy
b. Epistemology d. Axiology12 The aim of this philosophy is to reduce statements
about education to empirical terms
a. Reconstructionism c.Philosophical
b. Existentialism d. Social
traditionalism13 The educational theory, in response to
progressivism, which concerns with the revival of
effort in the direction of teaching the fundamental
tools of learning as the most indispensable type of
a. Essentialism c. Philosophical analysis
b. Perennialism d. Social traditionalism14 This philosophy believes that the schools should
originate policies and progress which would bring
about reform of the social order
a. reconstructionism c.
b. Progressivism d.
Perennialism15 This is the logical conclusion if we are to apply the
philosophy of martin Buber to education
a. Education will be characterize by imposition
and rules
b. Education will be characterize by mutual
unfolding of persons
c. Education will be characterize by pretensions
d. Education will be characterize by self
motivation16 Man as an embodied spirit means
a. Man is a body and soul
b. Man is a rational animal
c. Man is a totally, unique core or center, source
wellspring of initiative and meaning
d. Man is subjective