---Helps in answering what school are for ,what subject are important, how students should learn,and what materials and methods should be used.11. HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CURRICULUM
---Shows different changes in the purposes ,principles and content of the curriculum12. GOOD CURRICULUM
---Complements and cooperates with other programs of the community
---Provides for the logical sequence of subject matter
---Continuously involving
---Complex of detail13. WRITTEN CURRICULUM
---Teacher Charisse implements or delivers her lessons in the classroom based on a curriculum that appear in school,district or division documents14. RECOMMENDED CURRICULUM
---Proposed by schoolars and professional organization15. HIDDEN CURRICULUM
---Unintended curriculum which is not deliberately planned but may modify behavior or influence learning outcomes16. TAUGHT CURRICULUM
---Teachers implement or deliver in the classrooms or schools17. OBJECTIVES
---Implement or component of the curriculum provides the bases for the selection of content and learning experience which also set the criteria against which learning outcomes will be evaluated18. LEARNING EXPERIENCE
📌 What instructional strategies resources and activities will be employed?19. CONTENT
📌 What subject matter is to be included?20. EVALUATION APPROACHES
📌What methods and instruments will be used to asses the results of curriculum?21. INTEREST
📌A learner will value the content or subject matter if it is meaningful to him/her22. SIGNIFICANCE
📌When content or subject matter will contribute the basic ideas,concepts,principles and generalization to achieve the overall aim of the curriculum then it is significant23. LEARNABILITY
📌Subject matter is the curriculum should be within the range of the experience of the learners24. UTILITY
📌Usefulness of the content or subject matter may be relative to the learner who is going to use it.25. LEARNING CONTENT OF A CURRICULUM
📌Frequently and commonly used in daily life
📌Suited to the maturity levels and abilities of students
📌Valuable in meeting the needs and the competences of a future career26. LEARNING EXPERIENCES
📌Elements or components of the curriculum includes instructional strategies and methods that put in action the goals and use the contents in order to produce the outcome27. AIMS,GOAL and OBJECTIVES
📌They provide the bases for the selection of learning content and learning experiences
📌They also set the criteria against which learning outcomes will be evaluated28. SUBJECT MATTER/CONTENT
📌It is the compendium of facts ,concepts,generalization,principles and theories.
📌It is individuals personal and social world and how he or she defines reality29. EVALUATION APPROACHES
📌Refer to the formal determination of the quality,effectiveness or value of the program,process and product of the curriculum30. INPUT
📌In the CIPP Model by Stufflebeam the goals,instructional strategies ,the learners ,the teachers the content and all materials needed in the curriculum31. CONTEXT
📌Referes to the environment of the curriculum or the real situation where the curriculum is operating32. PROCESS
📌Refers to the ways and means of how the curriculum has been implemented