1. If the teacher emphasizes the fact that there is an objectively existing world, not dependent on our minds, and that people are able to understand aspects of that world through perception, he refers to what system of philosophy
A. Realism
B. Idealism
C. Pragmatism
D. Essentialism2. Teacher R convinces her students saying that abstractions, known as universal are without essential or substantive reality because that are mere names so that only individual object have real existence. What philosophy system is it.
A. Idealism
B. Nominalism
C. Realism
D individualism3. It is referred to a position that regarded forms or universal as real by which such position is now usually platonic realism
A. Modern realism
B. Ancient realism
C. Medieval realism
D. Contemporary realism4.a theory of reality and knowledge that attributes to consciousness or the immaterial mind, a primary role in the constitution of the world and that all physical object are mind dependent and can have No existence apart from a mind that is
Conscious of them
A. Realism
B. Subjectivism
C nominalism
D. Idealism5. It is a philosophical view that a theory or concept should be evaluated interns of how it works and its consequences as the standard for action and thought
A. Realism
B. Idealism
C. Pragmatism
D. Perrenialism6. This philosophy is criticized in this view that since there is no common nature for all individual then there is no natural law that governs all people; action are morally right and wrong only because that are commanded or forbidden by god.
What philosophy is it.
A. Individualism
B. Nominalism
C. Utilitarianism
D. Subjectivism7. If a teacher wants his students test ideas and theories in practice, assessing whether acting upon the idea or theory produces desirable or undesirable results, she is observing what philosophical doctrine.
A. Pragmatism
B. Nominalism
C. Utilitarianism
D. Instrumentalism8. Accdg. To the pragmatist sander pierce the method of tenacity, the method of authority, and the method of the metaphysician or philosopher can help settle the question of belief but insufficient. What method did he add to make it complete.
A. Method of mathematics
B. Method of science
C. Method of philosophy
D. Method of experience9. Teacher G motivates here pupil to pursue and aspire for whatever attainable reward by developing proper attitude as tool to that. What philosophical concept does she apply
A. Existentialism
B. Subjectivism
C instrumentalism
D. Evolutionalism10. If the teacher by applying the philosophy of john Dewey, believes that her students can be creatures of habit, education then should provide the.condition for developing the most useful and creative habits. Thus, the teacher must be doubly convinces that the most powerful instrument to change human and social condition is no less than what?
A. Righteousness
B. Faith
C. Commitment
D. KnowledgeAnswer: Abcdcbabcd
Prof. Ed. Questions:
1. Upholds goodness and truths.
A. Idealism😊
B. Realism
C. Pragmatism
D. Essentialism2. Learners are able to set their identities and standards.
A. Existentialism😊
B. Progressivism
C. Perennialism
D. Idealism3. Pleasure is the highest good.
A. Hedonism😊
B. Pragmatism
C. Realism
D. Epicureanism4. Subject-centered philosophy.
A. Essentialism😊
B. Reconstructionism
C. Utilitarianism
D. Idealism5. The emphasis is on how to think, not what to think.
A. Pragmatism😊
B. Existentialism
C. Hedonism
D. Realism📌📌📌📌📌