Kinds of Sound Device Meaning Example
ALLITERATION It is a repetition of the same consonant sound.
Fall fathom five thy father lies.
It is the repetition of the same or similar vowel sound.
She combs her hair with a comb that is golden.
It has identical consonants but different vowels. Spilled-spelled, starred-stirred, gone-gun
The sound of the word suggests its meaning.
Crash, murmur, hiss, cackle, scratch, cough
The use of same word or phrase in several lines
Figures of Speech Meaning Example
SIMILE It is a direct comparison of two unlike objects by the use of like or as.
His face was as red as a desert sunset.
METAPHOR It is an implied comparison.
I was a lonely cloud.
PERSONIFICATION It gives the characteristics of human being to inanimate objects.
The mountain sat upon the plain in his tremendous chair.
APOSTROPHE It addresses an absent person as if present, dead person as if alive, an inanimate objects as if animate.
Goodbye, proud world; I'm going home.
HYPERBOLE It is deliberate and extravagant exaggeration usually humorous.
Before me stood a mountain of man.
IRONY It expresses an idea and mean the other.
Silent as politician.
METONOMY It replaces the name of the object which is closely associated with it.
He is addicted to the battle.
SYNECDOCHE The part is used for the whole.
ANTITHESIS It is a contrast in words or clauses, as well as in ideas, in order to emphasize both parts of the contrast.
Love is so short, forgetting is so long.
Man proposes, God disposes.
LITOTES It emphasizes its subject by conscious understatement.
War is not healthy for children and for living things.
OXYMORON Two contrasting words are jammed or put together.
Found missing, silent scream, living dead
UNDERSTATEMENT It is the opposite of hyperbole.
It's a little warm today.
ALLUSION A reference, explicit or implicit, in previous history or literature.
There is no "open sesame" to the treasure of learning.
PARADOX A contradictory or incomplete elements statement which at first, it seems absurd but at a closer reading, it can communicate real truth.
Mine eyes, when opened, with thy beauty fill-
But when they're closed they see thee better still.
EPIGRAM It is a witty, short, concise statement which has the nature of a proverb.
The fastest colors are those who will not run.
CLIMAX It is which a series of thoughts or statements are arranged in the order of increasing importance.
He sacrificed his business, his home, and his honor for political gain.
ANTICLIMAX It results when the climatic order is reversed. It is often used in humorous writing.
He lost his wife, his child, his household goods, and his dog at one full swoop.
EPITHET It is a word generally an adjective, used to impart strength or, ornament to diction.
Alexander the Great; Aristides the just; Richard the Lion Hearted.