Chapter 16: Secrets and Lies

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Roses POV
"So, what was that all about? And don't lie this time" I say as me and Scorpius walk away from the scene and towards the hospital wing.

"Rosie, I've already told you it was nothing" He replies as he throws his arm around my shoulder pulling me towards him and kissing me on my head. I sigh and finally give into the warmth of his actions. We stroll happily towards the hospital wing, but don't think I've given up yet.

We enter the hospital wing and I see James exiting, I smile at him and ask "What happened?"

"They won't let me see her, not right now anyway. I argued as much as I could but Madame Pomfrey just wouldn't allow it, so I'll come back tomorrow" he explained " anyway, I'll see you two in the Gryffindor common room later, yeah?"

"Yep" I reply as Madame Pomfrey calls me over and I make my way over to the bed she's pointing to. I turn around as I make my way over to see Scorpius and James having a very mysterious conversation yet again. They notice me looking at them and stop talking and James then exits the hospital wing and Scorp makes his way over. "Can't you just tell me what you're hiding from me?" I ask getting on to the bed.

"Rosie, I'm not hiding anything" he replies.

"You are though, its obvious"

"Rose I'm not hiding anything from you"

"Don't lie Scorpius"

"I'm not lying"

"You are Scor-" I start but am cut of by Madame Pomfrey as she comes over to check on me.

"How are you feeling Rose?" She asks me, as she takes my temperature and other performs some other healer spells to check on me.

"I'm feel fine, just irritated and angry" I say aiming the last part of the sentence towards Scorp and making it blatantly obvious how I feel right now regarding our little argument.

"Rose, really you're going to make this a problem?" He asks, obviously a embarrassed that I would bring this up in front of someone else.

"Of course" I say and look away from him and back towards Madame Pomfrey who looks a little uncomfortable but also amused. We then sit in silence as Madame Pomfrey finishes examining me and then releases me. I grab my things and make my way out but Scorp doesn't follow until he's apologised for my behaviour.

"Seriously? Your fault I'm acting this way, 'I'm sorry for her behaviour' really Scorpius?" I say as he follows me out.

"If you weren't going to apologise then I was" He replies "Just because you're mad at me doesn't mean you need to make things awkward for other people"

"Well then you shouldn't have lied to me, then I wouldn't have done it" I shoot back.

"Still not a good enough reason" He replies. I begin walking away because at this point I've had enough for one night. "Don't just walk away Rose"

"Why not?" I ask walking faster towards the Gryffindor tower.

"Rose, I don't want to argue with you right now" He says.

"Well too bad Scorp, I'm not in the mood either but you chose to lie to me and not explain what you're hiding from me"

"Rose please, just forget it" people we pass are now staring as we argue on our way to the Gryffindor tower.

"How can I? My boyfriend is hiding something from me with my cousins as well as lying to me, if this was the other way around you'd be angry" I shout, walking even faster than before "and don't even try and tell me that you wouldn't" I finally reach the Gryffindor tower, say the password and enter. My whole family and friends are sitting on the sofas around the fireplace and all immediately turn to look at me and their gazes follow me as I make my way out of the common room and into my dormitory. I collapse on my bed and burry myself in my covers. I faintly hear the door open and someone enter the room and sit down at the bottom of my bed.

"Rose?" I hear Alice's calm voice and I decide to sit up and look at her. "Are you okay?"

"I don't even know anymore Alice" I reply as I hug her.

"So, what happened?" She asks "I know you and Scorp had an argument so don't try and be smart"  I explain everything that happened to Alice and she understands.

"They're hiding something Ali, and I don't like it at all" I say.

"How do you know?" She asks.

"Every time I see them talking it's always very heated and in hushed voices, then as soon as they realise I've caught them or that I'm around they immediately stop" I explain "I hate it, what could it possibly be that means they can't tell me?" And why lie about it? It's so fucking stupid"

"I understand what you mean, but have you ever thought that they might be doing it to protect you in a way or that they're doing it to benefit you?"

"Honestly, no I haven't thought about that. It still doesn't mean it's okay though, I would prefer for them to just be honest with me"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Scorpius' POV
Rose is way to smart. How can she pick up that we're hiding something from her already? It's breaking my heart to keep things from her and lying to her but it's for her own good. She can't know, it's for the better that she doesn't. That way we can help and protect her if it's needed. However our plan's failing already, if she already suspects things how are we going to protect her without her asking even more questions? The girl really is a handful, it's a bloody good job I'm in love with her.

I enter the Gryffindor common room a few moments after her, everyone's sat around the sofas next to the fireplace practically begging me with the looks on their faces to tell me what's happened. I turn to Alice and give her a look that basically means 'I've messed up. Help. Please talk to her before I make an even bigger tit of myself' and thankfully she understands. Alice leaves to talk to Rose and I take her empty seat.

"Well then" James says "you gonna explain?" He glares at me, he's now obviously turned into 'protective older cousin' mode. I then decide that that mode and James Potter is not one to mess with, also knowing that other male cousins of hers and her brother are also present in this situation, so I begin to explain myself and Rose.

"Does everyone know then?" I ask directing the question at Albus and Teddy.

"We told them just before Rose stormed in, good timing really" Albus says.

"How are we going to help her then?" I ask "because I'm going to be totally honest here with you all by saying that I don't want Rose to be pissed with me constantly, and I don't want to hide things from her and lie. That doesn't make me a good boyfriend"

"True that" Teddy agrees "But soon enough she will know that it's more than just Scorp hiding things, she's way too smart"

"We just need to plan all together" Al says "make sure she can't be suspicious"

"How about we have a meeting tomorrow, after last lesson in the room of requirement?" James suggests and we all mutter our agreements. Time to work this whole predicament out, and keep Rose safe.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Again I'm very sorry for extremely slow updates but I'm working on it!
Love yous

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