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All I hear is screams. All I smell is blood. All I see is decapitated bodies. Up here on the surface, it's never safe. No matter where you go, no matter where you hide, you'll be found and killed. All my life has been surviving. Ever since I was born, I was born into a world where if you were one of the weak, you'll be killed. You have to be strong in order to survive on this messed up planet.

People began to lose faith in humanity. People began to lose hope. There's no good soul on this planet anymore. Well, not any that's alive. Those people were killed without hesitation. It seems evil has won over good. Evil is now ruler of Earth.


"(Y/N), turn off that light!" A whispered voice hissed. "Sorry." I whispered back. Blowing out the fire of the candle, I placed it down and crawled over to where my mother is. She was huddled inside the blankets. She opened up the blanket for me to crawl in with her. I gladly accepted.

It's October right now. Winter is drawing near. Mother and I will have to suffer another year of cold weather. Another year of huddling inside the blankets, cuddling with each other to conserve heat.

My father is dead. He was one of the good souls people that was left on this planet. I was only 8 when I saw my father get killed on the street by a group of people. I remembered those people have this crazy look in their eye. I remembered those people had bloodied weapons. I remembered my father be decapitated right in front of me. Now it's just my mother and I. We was on our own.

But for how much longer?

I don't know how long we can take it. The harsh winters, the screams of people being murdered on the streets, and the insane laughter echoing off buildings. If someone doesn't find and kill us, the insanity will consume us before ANYONE tries to kills us.


Hey guys! I hope you're looking forward to this story! I was just reading Horrortale Fanfics, and idea came to me. Then BAM! This book was born ^-^ Anyways, I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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