Chapter 3

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'It's so cold...' I thought. My teeth was chattering away as I walked down the snowy pathway. Flowey was in my coat jacket that I wore. Lucky him that he's getting warm while I'm freezing my ass off. As I walked, I noticed something up in the distance. Curiously, I began walking a little faster. Once I was enough distance to see it clearly, I stopped in my tracks.

It looked like a booth. There was a figure that was sitting behind the booth. I couldn't see what the figure look like, so I cautiously began walking closer to it. Once I now stood in front of it, I could make out the figures appearance. It was a skeleton. He had a big jagged hole on his skull. His eye sockets were terrifying. His left was a black void. His right had a red pupil in it. He grinned widely at me.

"Hey, kiddo. What's a human like you doing out here?" He asked. I gulped and took a step back. "I-I fell down here..." I replied. I heard him chuckle darkly. "You hungry, kiddo?" He asks. He took out something that made me almost throw up. It seemed to be like a hot dog, but instead of a sausage (heheheh), it was a hand. I shook my head. "N-No thanks. I'm not hungry." I say. "Aw c'mom! You must be hungry after what you've been through. I made it myself...I call it a, "hand-dog". It's delicious." He says, licking his teeth. My eyes followed the red tongue. 'How can a skeleton have a tongue?!' I wondered.

"I'm fine...I'm just going to go." I say. I began walking away when all of a sudden, I heard an insane laugh from behind me. Turning around, I saw the skeleton get up and going around the booth. My eyes trailed down at what he was dragging onto the snowy ground. An axe. More specifically, a bloody axe.

"Run, (Y/N)!" I heard Flowey hiss. I gulped and ran off into the trees. My heart was pumping wildly in my chest. My legs was pumping with adrenaline. I didn't dare look back. I heard a loud laughter rang off around me. 'I can't keep running forever. I need to hide!' I thought. But where? I glanced around and saw a big tree. Going to it, I began climbing, using the moss to help me up. Once I was in the tree, I peeked through the branches and looked around.

My blood ran cold at the skeleton that appeared around a tree. His axe was swung on his shoulder. He had this insane grin that made me have a chill. I stopped peeking and pulled back, afraid that he'll see me. "Oh human~! Where are you~?" He cooed. I made my breaths quiet as he neared the tree that I was in. Flowey was under my coat, trembling. I peeked back out and my eyes widened. He was gone. My eyes frantically looked around, trying to see where he went.

"(Y/N)! Look o-" It was too late. A sharp, silver object came at me. I gasped and pulled back. It managed to graze my arm. The coat that I was wearing, had a large tear on it. That damn axe managed to go through my shirt and made a large cut on my arm. Blood was pouring down my arm. I looked at the cut. I sighed in relief. It wasn't too deep. But if I didn't treat it soon, it'll most likely get infected.

"There you are~!" He says. The axe fell onto the snowy ground. He picked it up and grinned up at me. "C'mon, stop hiding. What's the point? I already know where you are." He says, chuckling darkly. I didn't say anything. My breaths was heavy and I was shaking. I heard him sigh heavily from below. "I guess I have to do it the hard way." He says.


My eyes widened. Is he..


Is he...Cutting down the tree?!


My body jerked forward as the tree shook violently. One of my hands grasped a branch while the other one held Flowey. My eyes closed. 'What do I do?!' Suddenly, an idea came to me. I peek back down at the skeleton. He was too busy hitting the tree. This is risky. But I have to try. Grasping the branch tightly, I slowly pulled myself up onto my feet. I had to balance myself as that skeleton kept hitting the tree.

Looking back down, he was still preoccupied. I turned and began making my way around the back of the tree. 'Hopefully he won't hear or see me.' I thought. Holding onto Flowey, I prepared myself and jumped off of the tree. I heard my feet slam against the ground. My heart stopped for a second as the air around me was silent. Oh shit...

He heard me.


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! The next chapter will most likely be gory, so prepare yourself ^-^ Anyways, I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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