Chapter 6

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It's been a few days since I've been here. Sans will come in to check up on me to either give me food, or make sure I'm still alive. It's really cold in this cell. My coat has gotten dirty from my vomit a few days ago, so now it smells. So I decided to take it off and throw it away somewhere across the cell. I was now in a (f/c) tank top. I held myself close to give me warmth. My teeth chattered harshly, echoing off the concrete walls.

"Human." A familiar voice says. I looked and saw Sans standing a few feet away from me. I didn't even notice him coming in. "I brought you your food." He says. He throws the cinnamon bun-That's what he says it's called-on my lap. I didn't want to move. I was afraid that I'll lose what little warmth I have left.

"Arn't you going to eat that, human?" He asks. I used all my strength to not let my teeth chatter. I don't want him thinking that I was weak over being cold. "I'll eat it later." I say. I closed my eyes once I heard him walking away. Then the footsteps stopped. Confused, I was about to open my eyes when I felt something soft being tossed at me. It covered my small, shaking frame.

Opening my eyes, I was met with darkness. I uncovered my arms from around me and pulled down what's covering me. It was a jacket. It was blue with a few red stains covering it. Looking up, I saw Sans without his jacket. He was wearing a white, blood stained shirt. "W-What are y-" I was cut off by him growling at me.

"Shut up, human. Be grateful that I was in a good mood today." He says. Without waiting for my response, he stormed out of the cell and slammed the steel door behind him. I glanced down at the jacket that was laying on my lap. I pulled it over my body, acting it as a blanket. Laying down on concrete floor, I closed my eyes.

Now that I was warm, I could sleep better. Falling into a deep slumber, a smile graced my lips.


Hey guys! Here's a chapter for you! Sorry that it's small, but I thought it was sweet! Anyways, I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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