Chapter 12 {Bad End}

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Hey guys! This is the final chapter for this story! Be prepared for the major guys will hate me for this.


A month has passed. Crazy right? After all this time, I'm still stuck in the underground, living with the skeleton brothers. I go out every now and then. Sans usually accompanies me, but when he's not, he's at his sentury station. Speaking of Sans...

A month ago, on that day when Sans broke down in front of me, something has been going on between us. I feel it, Sans feels it, hell, even Papyrus feels it. Sans and I would just sit in the same room alone, and then the tension in the room will start to rise. It isn't uncomfortable...just awkward. I don't know why. I don't say anything about it, though. Neither does Sans.

Currently, I was sitting on the couch, Sans beside me. We was both watching TV. Papyrus was in the kitchen, making dinner. No doubt spaghetti. It was silent between Sans and I. We made no move to speak to each other. Not like I minded, I enjoyed his company.

I sighed. Sans looks over at me. "You okay, kiddo?" He asks. I shrugged. "Yeah, just bored. Say...I'm going for a walk. I'll be back soon." I say, standing up. He nods. "You want me to come with ya?" He asks, about to get up. I shook my head. "No, I'll be fine." I say. "You promise?" He asks. I giggled. "I promise!" He chuckles. "Alright. Be safe, (Y/N)." He says. I smiled softly at him and began walking towards the door.

Papyrus, who heard me, came out of the kitchen with a steaming pot of spaghetti. He was wearing an apron that had, "kiss the skeleton" across it. He was also wearing a chefs hat. I stifled a laugh at his appearance. Despite his looks, Papyrus is adorable.

"BUT WHAT ABOUT DINNER?" Papyrus asks. "Don't worry, I'll be back in time for dinner." I say. "ALRIGHT! BYE, (Y/N)! BE SAFE!" Papyrus says. "I'm always am!" I say, and walked out the door.

I clutched the (f/c) coat that Sans got for me a few weeks ago. I asked him where he got it, but he never said. I was grateful for it, it was really sweet of him. I began walking through the thick, cold snow. As I walked, I breathed in the cold air and exhaled. This is nice...without the murdering going on most of the time, it gets quite peaceful.

I had no idea where I was heading to. I just walked mindlessly in a direction, going where my feet takes me. So I ended up in Waterfall. I glanced up at the blue crystal like stars. A soft smile slowly grew on my face, staring at the beautiful sight all around me.

Then I heard it.


Each step I heard, I flinched. I looked around me, trying to figure out where the footsteps was coming from. As the footsteps came closer, I could make out some other noises along with it. It sounded like metal.

I could finally make out where the footsteps was coming from. But before I could turn and see who it was, I felt a pain go through my chest. My eyes widened in shock.




"I finally found you, human." A chilling voice called out. I coughed, something coming out of my mouth and landing on the blue floor of Waterfall. I finally looked down and saw a blue glowing spear coming out of my chest. Blood coated it, making it drip onto the floor.

I couldn't move. I felt paralyzed. No longer having strength to hold myself up, I fell to my knees and to my side. As I laid on my side, my half lidded eyes saw armor clad feet in front of me. "Heh, pathetic." I heard them say. "You humans are pathetic. Always screaming, always begging for mercy. But too bad. There's no mercy down here, and there never will be." They hissed. I closed my eyes, suddenly feeling tired.

"I would finish you off, but considering that I'm in a bad mood, I'll let you suffer." They say. I then heard them walk away, there footsteps disappearing from ear shot.



"(Y/N)!" I heard someone shout. 'That voice...' I opened my eyes and saw Flowey in front of me. He had a look of horror and worry in his one eye. "(Y/N)! Don't die!" He shouts. I weakly chuckled. "Wouldn't dream of it." I say, coughing. More blood came out of my mouth. "Hold on, (Y/N)! I'll get help!" I heard him say. I didn't respond. I closed my eyes once more, no longer having the strength to keep them open.

It felt like I was laying there for hours. All I heard was the water flowing, and my weak, ragged breathing. 'I'm so tired...' I thought.




Is that...footsteps?


I heard rapid footsteps coming my way. They seem like they're in a hurry. But why...?


They're getting closer now.


'They sound familiar...who is that?' I wondered. Suddenly, the footsteps stopped. I didn't move to look, feeling weak from all the blood I'm losing. "(Y-Y/N)..." I heard them whisper. I felt something touch my arm. It felt bony...

Ah...I remember now.

Sans...he's sounds worried. No...he sounds sad. I could hear the crack in his voice as he spoke. "Please...please don't die." He whispers. I wanted to tell him I was okay. I wanted to tell him that he shouldn't worry about me. That there's no need to be sad. But I couldn't. So I just laid there, getting close to my death with each passing second.

But not alone.

I'll die with the one I love right beside me. That brought a small to my face. I felt my head be lifted up and onto something bony. I forced my eyes to open and saw Sans face above me. His eye sockets was completely black. Blood red tears was flowing out of his eye sockets. I felt his hand tenderly brush my hair out of my face. "Please don't leave me...please." He mumbled. He pulled me to his chest and hugged me tight.

I felt his grip suddenly tighten.

"YOU PROMISED! YOU PROMISED THAT YOU'LL BE FINE! WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME?" He roars. Tears angrily fall down his cheekbones. His body shook as he sobbed. I gave him a sad smile. 'I'm sorry...' His tears fell down onto my face. I didn't care. It made my heart hurt to just look at him like that. It made my heart feel even worse, knowing that I was the cause of his sadness.

"I love you...I love you so much." I heard him whisper as he rocked me back and forth in his arms. I laughed weakly. I used all the strength I could muster to say my last few words. The words that I have been wanting to say to him for a while now.

"I love you, too...forever and always. Don't worry..." I trailed off. I weakly lifted a hand up, placing it on his tear stained cheekbone. I wiped a tear and gave him a small, loving smile.

"You won't be alone. I'll be with you...I promise."

As my eyes closed for the last time, I felt him shake me roughly. 'I'm sorry...I'm sorry that I have to leave you.' I thought, sadly. Before I slipped into deaths clutches, an agonizing cry of agony was heard.

"(Y/N)! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE! Please please please please..." He begun to mumble incoherently. 

'Don't worry, Sans....we'll meet again one day. It may not be tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year. But one day...Till then, please be patient. I love you...



Hey guys! It's over! Heheheh. I've been deciding on how this should end. So what's better than a sad ending! I'm so evil...Anyways, I hope you all liked this story as much I liked making it!

Anyways, I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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