Chapter 9

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"Who's there?" A raspy voice spoke up. Sans and I stayed silent. I saw the dinosaur feet walking around the room. I tensed up when it got closer to us. I felt Sans arms wrap around me, pulling me even closer to him. Then, the footsteps stopped. It went quiet.

"I smell a human." The voice spoke again. "I know you're here. There is no use in hiding." "Sans? Who is that?" I asked, fear creeping into my voice. "Shut up!" He hissed. "I hear you! Just come out already!" The raspy voice spoke again. Its footsteps began walking again. It was now in front of us. I instinctively pushed even more against Sans. It then went on all fours and began touching everywhere. I pushed my knees against my chest, trying to not let the creature touch me.

I felt Sans move behind me. I looked and saw him reaching towards his axe that he brought with him. He grabbed the handle and reached around me. The creatures arm was slowly getting closer to me. I couldn't get away any farther. As the creatures arm was about to touch me, Sans, without hesitation, harshly hit its arm. The creature lets out an inhuman screech in pain. Blood was spurting everywhere, getting all over me. It pulled back and began screeching nonstop.

Laying in front of me, was its arm. I made a disgusted face at it and pushed it away with my feet. Bad decision. Without warning, I was grabbed and pulled out from under the workbench. Sans tried to catch me, but failed as I slipped through his bony fingers. My eyes widened at the creature before me. It was a small dinosaur. It was wearing a lab coat that had bloodstains over it in various places. But what stuck out the most was its eyes. It was covered by a white, dirty blindfold.

It was blind.

"There you are, human. You'll pay for what you did!" It said. I scrambled to my feet and tried to get away, but was violently pulled back once more. I landed on my back and felt something crawl onto me. The dinosaur creature tried to scratch at me with its long claws. I struggled to keep it away from me. I used all my strength to push it off me, but it just kept crawling on top of me, unwilling to let its victim get away.

When I was sure that I couldn't fight back any longer, a large force harshly pushed the dinosaur like creature off of me. I sighed in relief and sat up. I looked and saw Sans standing in front of the creature. Sans axe was held high above his skull, readying for its attack. Before he slung his axe down, he hissed out these words that made a chill run down my spine.

"H⃠o⃠w⃠ d⃠a⃠r⃠e⃠ y⃠o⃠u⃠ t⃠o⃠u⃠c⃠h⃠ w⃠h⃠a⃠t⃠'s⃠ m⃠i⃠n⃠e⃠!"

Without another second of hesitation, he swung his axe down onto the creatures face. It screams in agony. Each swing onto it, made the creature try to crawl away, desperately trying to get away from his attacks. Sans stepped onto its foot, preventing it from moving any further. "Now where do you think you're going?" He taunts, smiling darkly down at it. Raising his axe again, he slams down onto its leg, cutting it off completely. It screeches louder than before.

Now not having an arm and leg, the creature slumps down onto ground in defeat. Sans, satisfied with his work, walks away from the creature. "Let's go." He says, grabbing my arm and hauling me to the labs door. Before I was out of the lab, I casted one more glance to the dying creature. Sympathy flashes in my (e/c) eyes, as Sans pulls me out of the lab.


Sans pushes me into his house, slamming the door behind him. After he locks it, he turns to me. "Go sit on the couch. I need to go find Papyrus." He says. "B-But-" He raises his bloodied axe in a threatening way. "I SAID GO SIT ON THE COUCH!" He shouts. I coward away, not wanting to be another victim by his axe. I quickly went to the living room, sitting down on the couch. I pulled my knees up to my chest, staring at the TV blankly.

I heard Sans go upstairs and into a room, closing the door behind him. I was alone. I contemplated using this chance to run away, but I knew that Sans would eventually find me. So, to save the effort and pain, I stayed sitting on the couch.


"HUM-(Y/N)!" I heard a loud voice speak. I groaned and opened my eyes. Blinking away the grogginess, I slowly sat up and saw Papyrus in front of me. "DINNER IS READY!" He says. I nodded and stood up, following him into the kitchen. Looking at the table, Sans wasn't there. "Where's Sans?" I ask. "MY BROTHER IS OUT AT THE MOMENT. HE'LL BE BACK SOON." Papyrus explains. I nodded and sat down in one of the vacant seats.

I waited in silence as Papyrus readied dinner. Soon, Papyrus sat down a plate of spaghetti in front of me. I stared down at it with pain. Last time I ate that, my stomach was cramping for hours. "HERE YOU GO, (Y/N)." He beams, smiling at me. I gave a weak, small smile in return. Before I took a bite, the door to the house opens. "THAT MUST BE SANS." Papyrus says, walking out of the kitchen.

Minutes later, Sans and Papyrus came into the kitchen. Sans had his axe on his shoulder. Looking at it closely, I saw that it had dust and blood on it. It wasn't like that the last time I saw it. Did he...I shook my head from those thoughts. 'I shouldn't be surprised. He is a psychotic monster after all. No trace of sanity left...' I trailed that thought off.

No. He has to have some sanity left. If he didn't, then he would've left me to die by that dinosaur creature. He wouldn't had protected me when it came into the lab. He wouldn't had sounded so worried when he said my name...

"Hey, human." I heard Sans say. I snapped out of my thoughts, and looked into his eye sockets. "You okay?" He says, placing his axe onto the floor against the table leg. "SANS! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU? I TOLD YOU TO STOP LEAVING YOUR AXE IN THE KITCHEN! IT RUINS THE SMELL OF MY DELICIOUS SPAGHETTI WITH ITS HORRIBLE STENCH." Papyrus says, putting his bony hands on his hips.

While Sans and Papyrus went into an argument, a small smile made its way onto my lips. His words echoed in my mind, unable to stop playing over and over.

You okay?


Hey guys! I hoped you liked it! I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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