Chapter 10

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Papyrus says that I could sleep on the couch. I don't mind. Better than sleeping on that cold, concrete ground. Sans was up in his room doing who knows what. Papyrus went to his room as well, right after he gave me a pillow and blanket. After I situated the pillow against the couch's arm rester, I leaned my head on it and pulled the blanket over me. Closing my eyes, I fell into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up by loud noises in the kitchen. Sitting up, I yawned and stretched my aching muscles. A moment later, Papyrus came out of the kitchen. "AH, GOOD MORNING HU- I MEAN (Y/N)! HOW DID YOU SLEEP?" Papyrus asks. "Good." I say. He beams. "GREAT! I HAVE PREPARED BREAKFAST!" He says.

I nodded and stood up. I followed him into the kitchen and sat down at the table. 'Please not spaghetti.' I thought, inwardly shivering. "HERE'S YOUR SPAGHETTI, (Y/N)!" Papyrus sits down a plate of spaghetti in front of me.

'Well damn...' I thought, mentally groaning.

I forced a smile as I looked at him. "T-Thanks, Papyrus." I say, trying to sound happy. "NYEH HEH HEH! THE GREAT PAPYRUS, IS GLAD YOU SEEM HAPPY FOR MY OUTSTANDING MASTERPIECE!" He beams. As I was about to pick up the fork, Sans walked into the kitchen. "THERE YOU ARE! GOOD MORNING BROTHER! BREAKFAST IS READY!" Papyrus says.

Sans looked at me, then to the plate of spaghetti that I was about to eat. "Hey, paps. Why don't you go and get some more spaghetti sauce. I think we're about out." Sans says. Papyrus gasps and placed both of his hands on either side of his skull. "REALLY?" He asks. Sans nodded and puts his hands in his jacket pockets. "Yep." Sans says.

"YES, I MUST HURRY! THANK YOU BROTER FOR TELLING ME THIS! NYEH HEH HEH!" Papyrus then leaves the kitchen and out of the house. The kitchen went silent. "Hey." Sans says, looking at me. "Hey." I muttered.



"You really gonna eat that?" Sans suddenly asks. I shrugged, looking at the plate of spaghetti. "I don't want to make Papyrus upset." I replied. I felt him stare at me. It was making me uncomfortable. Then, I heard him move. I looked up and saw him going to the fridge. Curious, I asked, "What are you doing?" He didn't reply. Instead, he got what he needed and closed the fridge door.

Walking to me, he picked up the plate of spaghetti and sat down a cinnamon bun. "Here. Eat that." He says. I looked at him, my (e/c) eyes slightly wide. "Thank you..." I whispered. He shrugs and walks over to the window, dumping the spaghetti.

"Don't mention it." He says. Placing the plate in the sink, he turns to me. "You better eat that before he gets back." Sans says. I stared at him for a second, and then nodded. I grabbed the cinnamon bun and took a bite.

He walks out of the kitchen, but before he was out of ear shot, I shouted, "Wait!" He stops and turns around. "What?" He asks, hands in his pockets. "What about you? Arn't you going to eat?" I ask. He stared at me for a long moment. I shifted in my seat as I waited for his response. He then walks over to me, keeping eye contact. He stands in front of me, looking down onto my small, petite form.

Suddenly, he leans down and opened his jaw, revealing a red tongue inside his mouth. My own jaw flew open in shock. I watched as he put his bony hand over my hand that held the cinnamon bun, and brings it up to his mouth. Taking a bite, his red eye that was surrounded by darkness in his eye socket, watched me. After he swallowed, he closed his jaw back, his mouth settling back into that permanent smile.

We stayed like that for a while. Just Sans and I staring into each other's eyes. I held my breath, waiting for anything that might happen.

And it did.

Sans slowly lowered the cinnamon bun with his hand, placing it on my lap. Taking his hand back, he now put both of his hands on either sides of the chair, trapping me. My heart pounded loudly in my chest. My face felt hot as I stared at him, unable to look away.

Slowly, he started leaning in towards me.

I couldn't move. I was frozen in place. 'Is he...' I stopped that thought. No. He probably just saw something on me and was going to get it off. I'm just jumping to conclusions...right?

He was now a few inches away from my face. I couldn't think anymore. I couldn't think when he was this close...

"(Y/N)..." I heard him whisper. I barely heard it. If I wasn't so close to him, I wouldn't had heard it.

I closed my eyes, waiting for something to happen. I jumped a little when I felt something bony touch my hair. I opened one of my eyes. Sans was tenderly stroking my hair. I immediately melted into his touch. I closed my eye again, smiling softly. I never wanted this feeling to disappear.

"Sans..." I whispered. Not a moment later, I felt something crash against my lips. My eyes flew open and widened at what I saw. His teeth was planted firmly on my lips. My head felt dizzy as I stared at his closed eye sockets. One of his hands cupped my chin, holding me in place. His other hand continued to stroke my hair tenderly. 

I was about to melt into the kiss, when he suddenly jerked away. I blinked and then he was a foot away from my shocked form. "S-Sans...?" I whisper. He looked like he was about to say something, but decided against it. Without a word, he turned and left the kitchen.

I was too shocked to move. I raised one of my hands and softly touched my lips. I still felt that tingling sensation of where his teeth had been.



Hey guys! I hoped you liked this chapter! Sans kissed you! OMG I squealed when I wrote this! Anyways, I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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