Chapter 8

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"HUMAN, BROTHER, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, HAS RETURNED." A voice boomed out. Sans and I was still sitting on the couch. It was awkward. We just sat in silence as we watched TV. I heard Papyrus's footsteps come near us. "SANS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Papyrus asked. "Watching TV." Sans replies, not looking at him.

"WHY DON'T YOU GO AND SHOW THE HUMAN AROUND THE UNDERGROUND?" Papyrus says. Sans looked at Papyrus with an annoyed look. "What? No." Sans says. "BUT BROTHER! THE HUMAN LOOKS A LITTLE PALE!" Papyrus says, glancing at me. Sans snorts. "So? It's not my problem." He says. I glared at him. 'What an asshole.' I thought, angrily.

"SANS, JUST DO IT!" Papyrus huffs. Sans groaned in annoyance. "Fine, I'll do it." He grumbles. "THANK YOU, BROTHER! NOW GO! HAVE FUN, HUMAN! AND TRY NOT TO GET EATEN BY OTHER MONSTERS!" Papyrus says. My eyes widened. "Wait wh-" I was cut off by Sans pushing me outside.

I shivered from the cold as we stepped out. I almost wanted to run back into the warmth of their house, but I didn't want to miss this chance to be outside. Who knows, this might be the last time I'll ever be outside. But after what Papyrus said, I'm not so sure...

I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to keep warm. Sans made me give his jacket back an hour ago. I was about to ask him if I could borrow it again, but I wasn't in the mood to be yelled at.

As we walked through the snow in silence, I decided to look at the towns shops. If it wasn't for the blood thirsty monsters, this town would've been quite cute. "Hey human." I snapped my head towards Sans. I then felt a familiar frabric tossed at me. It was his jacket. "Thank you..." I say, putting on the jacket. He huffs. "I didn't do it out of kindness. It was getting annoying from just hearing your teeth chatter like hell." He says. I ignored his comment and continued following him.

Soon, we made it to a beautiful area. It wasn't that cold like back in Snowdin-that's what the freezing town is called-but it was still a little cold. My (e/c) eyes glanced around at my surroundings. My mouth was agape with awe. 'This place is beautiful! Those crystals on the ceilings look just like stars...' I thought, smiling at the sight.

"It's beautiful, isn't it." I heard Sans say from beside me. We stopped in front of a big water fall. It's crystal like water, was flowing down delicately. I nodded. "Yes. It certainly is." I say. I looked ahead, a soft smile on my face. I could feel Sans stare on me, so I turned to him in a questionable stare. He looks away and starts to walk away. "Come on, let's look some more." He says. I nodded and followed him.

Even though I wanted to stay in at the breathtaking area, I also wanted to explore some more. We soon came into an area that was hot as hell! Like literally, below us was actually lava! I took off Sans jacket and handed it back to him. As we walked, we came upon a big, white building. I raised a brow at it. "Hey Sans?" I called. "What human?" He says back. "What's that building?" I asked, pointing at it.

"Nothing that you should be concerned about." Sans says. I was about to protest, but decided against it. As we kept walking, I heard something behind me. 'What was that?' I wondered.


"Sans..." I whispered. He didn't seem to hear me.


"Sans." I say a little louder. "What, human?" He asked, annoyed. "I think someone is following us." I say. He stops and turns around to look at me. "What?" He says, exasperated.


He stops looking at me, and glances over my shoulder. His expression suddenly turned dark. He grabs my arm and starts walking to the strange building. "Sans?" I asked, confused at what he was doing. He didn't answer but instead kept walking towards the big, white building. We walked inside it and I looked around. It looked like a lab. 'But what is a lab doing out here?' I wondered.

He led me to a workbench that had blood all over it. I inwardly shuddered at the sight. He begins to crawl under there. "Come here." He orders. "What? W-" I was cut off by him grabbing my leg, making me fall. He pulls me towards him between his legs, my back against his rib cage. "Be quiet, (Y/N)." He whispered.

My eyes widened. He called me by my name...Suddenly, the door to the lab opened. I couldn't see who entered. All I could see was yellow, dinosaur looking feet.

"Who's there?"


Hey guys! I hoped you liked this chapter! I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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