Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Before you read, I just wanted to say that Papyrus will be his usual self. I read on the wiki for this AU that Papyrus is the most sane out of all the monsters. So don't be telling me that he's like Sans, because he's not. It states that he's still his puzzle loving, spaghetti loving, and friendly self.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter ^-^


I woke up and stretched. Sans jacket was still over me. Feeling my arms getting cold, I slipped my arms through his jacket, wearing it.


My eyes widened and I saw someone come barging in. But it wasn't Sans. It was the tall skeleton from before. I think his name was Papyrus. "HUMAN, YOU'RE COMING WITH ME." He says. "W-What? Why?" I asked, my heart pounding. He doesn't respond and just walks towards me. He grips my arm and pulls me on my feet. "Hey! What ar-" I was pulled towards the cell door.

He walked up some stairs and through a door. He pulls me into what looks like a kitchen. He stops and let's go of me. "SIT THERE." He orders. He pointed to a chair that was pushed up against a wooden table. Confused, I sat down on the oak wood chair. I watched as he goes around the kitchen. I couldn't tell what he was doing. He was at the stove, cooking something since steam was going in the air. There was also a strange smell...I couldn't tell what it smelled like, though.

Minutes later, he placed something on a plate and walks over to me. Placing the plate in front of me, I looked down. It was...spaghetti? I looked back at the tall skeleton. "Why are you giving me spaghetti?" I asked. "MY BROTHER KEEPS FEEDING YOU THOSE CINNAMON BUNS, SO I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, DECIDED TO MAKE YOU SOMETHING!" He answers. 'He's not bad...despite his looks, he's like a cinnamon role.' I thought, softly smiling.

"Thank you, Papyrus." I say, smiling at him. He seemed to like my praise, because he did a pose. "WHY OF COURSE! THE GREAT PALYRUS, IS AN AMAZING COOK!" He says. I giggled and picked up the fork that was placed on the plate. Taking a bite, my eyes widened at the taste. I took out the fork and swallowed. My eyes watered at the indescribable taste. Looking back at Papyrus, I saw him waiting eagerly for my thoughts.

Pushing back the vomit that was coming up my throat, I weakly smiled at him. "It's great, Papyrus." I say. "THANK YOU, HUMAN! I'LL LEAVE YOU TO YOUR FOOD!" He says. I nodded and he was about to leave, when he stopped and turned. "HUMAN! I DIDN'T GET YOUR NAME?" He says. I laughed softly and smiled at him. "It's (Y/N)." I replied. "WELL (Y/N), ENJOY YOUR SPAGHETTI!" He says and leaves the kitchen.

My eyes glanced back down at the plate of spaghetti in front of me. 'My stomach is going to kill me later.' I thought. Using all my strength, I began eating again.


As I finished the last bite of spaghetti, I sighed in relief. I laid back on the chair and closed my eyes. I was about to fall asleep, when I was pulled out of the chair harshly. My eyes flew open and widened in fear once I saw who it was. "What the fuck are you doing out of your cell?" Sans seethes. I couldn't speak. I was to scared. He roughly pushed me against the wall, standing close to me.

"I said, what are you doing out of your cell?" He growled. "P-Papyrus got me out." I stuttered. He pushed me harder against the wall. "Don't you lie to me." He hissed. "I'm not! I swear!" I exclaimed. Suddenly, Papyrus came back into the kitchen. "DID YOU FINISH YOUR SP-SANS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE HUMAN?" Papyrus asked, staring at us.

"Did you let her out of her cell, Papyrus?" Sans asked. "WHY YES!" He answers. "Why?" Sans asked, turning towards Papyrus and letting go of me. "WELL I FELT SORRY FOR THE HUMAN! THAT CELL IS QUITE DEPRESSING TO BE IN. SO I DECIDED TO LET (Y/N) OUT!" Papyrus explains. "(Y/N)?" Sans echoed. "THE HUMANS NAME." Papyrus replies.

Sans turned back to me. I couldn't make out his expression. His emotions was blank as he stared at me. "Fine." He says. "REALLY? OH GOODY! THE GREAT PAPYRUS, HAS A NEW FRIEND!" Papyrus exclaims. "Hey paps, why don't you get more ingredients for your spaghetti. I think we're running out." Sans says. "THANK YOU, DEAR BROTHER, FOR REMINDING ME. BYE (Y/N) AND BROTHER! THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL RETURN HOME SOON." Papyrus says and walks out of the kitchen and out of the house.

"Come on, human." Sans says, grabbing my arm and pulling me to what looks like a living room. He sits me down on the couch and sits next to me. We sat in silence for a few minutes. "Human." Sans says, breaking the silence. "Y-Yes?" I answered. "I'm only letting you out of your cell because of Papyrus. But if you try ANYTHING, I won't hesitate to kill you. You got that?" Sans says, darkly.

I gulped and nodded. "Y-Yeah..." I whispered.


Hey guys! Here's a longish chapter to make up for the small chapter I did last time. I hoped you liked it! Anyways, I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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