Chapter 12.5 {Good End}

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Hey guys! I felt bad about the last I decided to make a good ending! You're welcome ^-^


"GAH!" I shouted as I sat up on the couch. 'It was just a was just a dream.' I thought, trying to sooth myself. Cold sweat ran down my neck. I panted as I thought about the the dream I just had. "I'm okay..." I whispered. My eyes were slightly wide as I glanced around the room. It was dark. I shivered, pulling the covers close to me for comfort.

'Just go back to sleep. Everything will be fine.' I assured myself. But no matter how hard I try, I was afraid of going back to sleep. I was afraid that I'll have the dream, no, nightmare, again. I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes, threatening to fall down. My body shook from fear and from the coldness in the dark room.

"I'm scared..." I whimpered. I slung my legs off the couch and onto the ground. Standing up, I pulled the cover over my trembling body. I walked, hearing the cover slide behind me. I made it to the beginning of the stairs. I looked up, staring at the darkness that prohibited from me seeing any closer up. I gulped and began moving my shaking legs up the stairs.

Each step created a small "squeak" that the wooden stairs made. I pulled the cover even close to my body, afraid that it would fall off. It seemed like my sheild. That if I lose it, I would be vulnerable to the darkness around me. I glanced around me, my eyes trying to make out things to where I can see more clearly.

You know where that if you look into the dark for too long, you'll start seeing things that arn't there? Well, that's what's happening to me. My heart started pounding in my chest as I looked everywhere. The stairs seem endless now. It feels like I'm never going to make it to the top.

I quickened my pace a little, wanting for this to end. Tears was now falling down my cheeks. I felt like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders once I've finally made it to the top. I let go of my breath that I was holding in all this time. 'What now? Why did I come up here?' I wondered.

Comfort. I needed comfort.

I began walking towards a door. Not knowing which door it was. I lifted my hand and opened the door slowly. I peeked in and saw a small figure sleeping soundly in the bed. I heard soft snores and I immediately knew who this was.


I walked in more into the room. 'Should I disturb him? I don't want to seem like a bother...' I thought, having second thoughts. 'No, I shouldn't disturb him over something so stupid.' I thought, shaking my head. I turned to walk back out, but I stopped once I laid my eyes onto a person like figure in the darkness. It seemed like it was slowly making its way up the stairs. I knew that it was just my imagination, but it looked so real...I whimpered and shut the door, locking it.

I let out a shaky breath, the tears going faster down my cheeks and onto the floor. My body was shaking even more. "I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared..." I muttered incoherently. I went to a fetal position on the floor, pulling the cover over my whole body. "Please...go away." I whispered. My whimpers turned into loud sobs.

I didn't stop sobbing when I heard a shift a few feet away from me. "(Y/N)?" A voice called out. I didn't respond. My cries of fear filled the room. "What's wrong?" Sans asked, sounding worried. I couldn't respond. I was too scared to speak. I heard more shifting and then heard footsteps coming towards my trembling body.

"Hey..." Sans whispers softly. I felt myself be lifted up into his arms. The cover was still over me, not letting me see his face. "Nightmare...?" He asked, rocking me back and forth softly. I whimpered, my cries dying down. "'s okay. You'll be okay. You're fine." He soothes, calming me down.

I felt the cover be taking off me and I whimpered at the loss. A bony hand gripped my chin, making me look up. Sans red eye stared at me. Tears still fell from my eyes as I stared back. "It felt so real..." I whispered. He pulled me to where my head laid on his shoulder, my arms tucked into my chest tightly. "But it wasn't. You'll be fine, I promise." He says, gently stroking my hair.

We stayed like that for who knows how long. But I didn't care. As long as I'm in his arms...

Nothing will hurt me.


Hey guys! I hoped you liked this ending better! I sure did. Anyways, this is the last and FINAL chapter. Anyways, I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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