Chapter 4

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I stared as the skeleton began making his way around the tree. His axe was dragging into the snow behind him. A large, insane grin was plastered onto his skull. "Now where do you think you're going." He says. I turned to run, but was violently pulled back. I was tossed to the ground and my back slammed against the hard, cold ground. Flowey flew out of my coat and landed beside me.

I groaned and looked up. The skeleton was standing over me. "I would make this quick, but after making me go through all that bullshit, I'll make your death as slow and painful as possible." He says darkly.

I tried to crawl away, but something forced my stomach down. The skeleton's foot was forcefully pushing my stomach down, not wanting me to escape. I gasped in pain as he kept pushing down. "Now, let's begin." He says, laughing. Raising his axe over his skull, his red pupil glinted with insanity. I closed my eyes, not wanting to watch my reaper kill me.

"SANS!" A booming voice called out. I heard feet crunching in the snow on the left side of me. The skeleton's foot slightly lifted off, but not much for me to escape. "Yeah?" He called back. "WHAT ARE YOU DO-OH!" I opened my eyes. Looking from the corner of my eyes, I saw another skeleton. This one didn't look that bad, but still kinda looked terrifying. He had what looks like a "battle body" outfit on. He had black eyes on his skull and a jagged mouth.

"A HUMAN? BROTHER! DON'T KILL THE HUMAN...YET!" The tall skeleton says. My eyes widened at his words. "Why not? We'll be having hand dogs and foot kabobs for dinner tonight!" The small skeleton, Sans, groans in annoyance. "WE STILL HAVE LEFTOVERS FROM THE LAST HUMAN! WHEN WE FINISH OFF THE LAST HUMAM, WE CAN EAT THIS ONE NEXT!" The tall skeleton said. Sans looked at me with an angry look, then looked back to the tall skeleton.

"Fine." He says. The tall skeleton nodded in satisfaction and left. Sans looked back down at me. I was suddenly pulled by the collar of my coat and slung over his shoulder. "W-What are you doing?" I asked, incredulously. He growled. "Shut up, human! You're lucky Papyrus came in time. But let me tell you this." He says. Taking me off his shoulder, he held me in front of his face. An insane grin grew as he looked at me.

"Don't get to comfortable, because once the last human leftovers are gone...

I'll be finishing what I left off."


"Welcome to hell, human." Sans says, laughing darkly. He threw me into a large cell. My head hits the cold, concrete ground. Groaning, I lifted my head up. Sans was standing at the cell's door. "Sleep horrible, human. May you have terrifying dreams!" He says, slamming the cell door. My head fell back onto the concrete.

Staring at the cell bars, my eyes widened. 'Oh no! Flowey! He's still out there!' I panicked. I used all my strength to pull me off the ground and went to the cell door. I pushed hard onto the door. The damn thing was made of steel. There was no way that I'll be getting out. I stopped pushing and looked around for other ways to escape. There was no windows, it was completely barren in here. The cell bars was to close together for me to slip through them. So in conclusion, I was stuck here.

I sighed in defeat and walked over to the corner of the room. I leaned my back against the concrete wall and slid down. My butt landed on the ground and I shivered at the coldness. My arms wrapped around me to give warmth. 'I'd rather die from hypothermia, than dying from THEM.' I thought, bitterly.

Leaning my head back, I sighed in exhaustion. Closing my eyes, I fell asleep in the cold, dark cell.


I was harshly woken up by a loud noise. My eyes flew open and looked around the cell. The cell door was swung open, revealing the small skeleton. Sans. He had a large, creepy grin as he gazed at my small form. "Rise and shine! Breakfast is ready!" He says, laughing insanely. He walks over to me and hands out a plate in front of my face.

My eyes widened as I looked at what's on the plate. I had to hold back a vomit from the stench that was radiating from the foul thing. A foot was laying on the plate. It looked like it was cut off from below the knee. Blood was pouring from the top of it, creating a mess onto the concrete floor. The toenails was dirty and bloodied. Hell, the whole thing was dirty and bloodied! I looked up at the Sans. He was grinning down at me. He suddenly lifted his bony hand and scratched the inside of his left eye socket.

I closed my eyes and put a finger to pinch my nose. I heard Sans chuckle darkly. "What? Not hungry? That's okay. I'll leave it here once you do get hungry." He says. I heard something be placed down next to me. I heard his footsteps fade way and a slam of the cell door, told me that he left.

I opened my eyes and looked down beside me. The foot on a plate was resting beside me. I shuddered at the sight and pushed it away with my pointer finger. Once I felt that it wasn't near me for me to smell it anymore, I sighed in relief. Pulling my legs up to my chest, I put my arms around them, hugging them tightly. Tears started to build at the corner of my eyes. No matter how hard I tried to keep them from falling, it didn't work. Hot tears fell fast down my cheeks. I put my head in my arms, burying them to keep my sobs muffled. I didn't want them to have the satisfaction from hearing me cry. My body shook as I sobbed.

I was crying because I was in hell. I was crying because I was forced to sit in this cell until that terrifying skeleton came to finish me off. But what made me cry the hardest, was that I was once again, alone.


Hey guys! I hoped you liked this chapter! Anyways, I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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