Chapter 2

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I was slowly getting back to consciousness, when I heard a voice. My head felt dizzy and my body ached. I groaned and opened my eyes. "Hello? Miss, are you okay?" I glanced to my right and saw a...flower? Now fully awake, I sat up and looked at the flower with wide (e/c) eyes. The flower had only one eye and its flower petals was wilting.

"Who are you?" I asked hesitantly. "I'm Flowey...Flowey the Flower." It says. It looked so...broken. I smiled softly at the flower. "I'm (Y/N). What exactly is this place?" I asked, standing up. I looked around and was met empty. It was just Flowey and I. "Welcome to the Underworld. In this place, it's eat or be eaten." Flowey says. I snapped my eyes to the flower who was staring at the ground. I walked over to it and crouched down to eye level.

"What do you mean?" I asked. The flower began to shake. "It's a massacre here...all the humans like you that fell down here...they never make it. They get eaten by those MONSTERS." Flowey says bitterly. Eaten?! Without saying anything, I stood up and began walking away. "H-Hey! Where are you going?" Flowey asked. I stopped and looked over my shoulder. "I'm getting out of here." I replied. "I already told you! If you go out there, you'll be eaten! Don't you get it? There is NO escape..." Flowey whimpers. I sighed and walked back over to Flowey.

I took off one of my shoes and began scooping Flowey up. "W-What are you doing?" Flowey asked. I placed Flowey in my shoe and stood up. I smiled down at him. "I'm taking you with me. I'm not leaving you here alone." I say.

"T-Thank you..."


It seemed like hours while I was walking. Flowey fell asleep an hour ago. Poor thing...It look like it's been through so much. I held the shoe that Flowey was in, tightly to my chest.

"What's that?" I muttered. A small house came into view. Walking to it, the trees around it was dead. I was hesitant to walk in, but gathered all my courage and walked in. Glancing around, it seemed abandoned. But no dust and neatly placed objects told me that someone was living here. Walking around the small house, I found a pair of shoes. Eyeing them, I walked to them and picked them up. Taking off my other shoe, I put the new shoes on. 'They're a little bit too small, but it's better than walking with only one shoe.' I thought.

Flowey then woke up and his one eye widened in fear.

"Oh no! Get out of here! We need to get out of here!" Flowey hissed. I gave Flowey a confused look. "Why?" I asked. He started shaking uncontrollably. "SHE lives here! Quick, get out of here!" Flowey wails. He seems completely terrified of this, "she". Before I could ask him anything, a voice behind me cooed.

"My my, what is a human doing here~?" My body stiffened. Turning around, I saw a tall goat lady smiling at me creepily. Being around this goat lady, made me uneasy. "Who are you, my dear?" The goat lady asked. "I-I'm (Y/N)." I stuttered. She giggled. "Hello, (Y/N). I'm Toriel." She says. Flowey was skaking as he stared at the goat lady in horror. "My child, would you like something to eat?" She asked. I shook my head and took a step back. "N-No, I'm not hungry." I say.

She stepped closer. "Surely you must be a LITTLE bit hungry. Follow me~." She cooed. I started to tremble a little. "No t-thanks. I'm just going to go." I say. "(Y/N)! Go down those stairs!" Flowey whispered. I nodded and walked backwards. The whole way I kept my eyes on the goat lady. If I turned my back, I was sure that she would do something. Every step I took, she followed me.

I felt one of my feet on the top of the stairs. 'I need to make a run for it. But if I turn my back, she'll catch me. I need a distraction. But what?' I pondered. My eyes glanced around the room for something, ANYTHING that could be a distraction. My eyes then fell on a picture frame. A little human child and a monster child was in front of two monsters. One of them was a goat guy and the other one was Toriel. "What's that?" I asked, pointing at the picture frame. Toriel stopped walking and followed my finger.

A soft smile ghosted her lips. She seemed lost in thought as she stared at the picture frame. I took this chance and quietly went down the stairs. Once I stepped off the last stair, I looked around. A hallway going forward was my only option. I started walking down the hallway, looking back every so often. I made a sharp turn to the left and ahead of me, was big purple double-doors.

As I was nearing it, a scream from behind me stopped me from walking. "MY CHILD! DON'T GO OUT THERE!" I looked behind me and saw Toriel running at me. My heart stopped and I didn't hesitate to run at the double doors. I slammed against them and tried to push them open. "Damn, this is fucking heavy!" I muttered. Flowey was looking over my shoulder. "(Y/N)...she's coming! Hurry up!" Flowey hissed. I grunted and pushed a little harder. "I'm trying!" I growled.

I used all the strength I could muster, and finally the doors open. "STOP! DON'T GO OUT THERE! YOU'LL DIE IF YOU DO!" Toriel screamed. I ignored her and ran out the door. I slammed the door behind me and panted from exhaustion. Toriel was hitting the door and each hit caused my body to bounce. I sighed in relief once the hitting finally stopped.

Flowey looked relieved. "Come on. We can't waste time." Flowey says. I nodded and glanced around at my surroundings. Snow was everywhere. The cold wind harshly hits my face, making me shiver. 'I need to find someplace warm, or I'm going to die from freezing to death.' I thought. Holding Flowey close to me, I began walking through the snow.


Hey guys! I hoped you liked this chapter! Anyways, I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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