Chapter 1

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Sitting in the dark alone, was what I woke up to. My mother was no where to be found. Glancing around the abandoned shed that is called "home", I realized that I was alone. I sighed and brought my knees up to my chest, hugging them. My body shivered as the cold drifted through the wood cracks of the shed. The thin blanket was not helping. 'Where is she?' I wondered. So there I sat. Alone, scared, starving, and cold.

Suddenly, the sheds door opens. My body tenses at the sound. My heart beats fast as I wait for what is about to come through that door. "(Y/N)?" I heard a female voice whisper. I smiled softly and sighed in relief. "Mom?" I whispered back. The door opens wider, revealing my mother. She had a black duffle back in her hand, hanging loosely by her leg. She steps in and closes the door behind her. She smiles at me and sits down in front of me.

"Where have you've been?" I asked. "Getting food. We was all out." She replied. My stomach growled at the sound of food. My mother chuckles and unzips the black duffle bag, revealing a loaf of bread and water bottles. I could feel my mouth open and drool was coming out. Well, at least my hunger problem will be solved. "Eat up." Mother says. I went to grab the bread, but I stopped.

"What about you?" I asked. She shakes her head and smiles at me softly. "You eat first. I'll be fine." She says. "You sure? I mean, I don't mind letting you having it." I say. "No, I'm sure. You haven't ate in 3 days. You need it more than I do." She replies. I smile at her and reached my hand inside the duffel bag and grabbed the bread.


Hours has passed and my stomach was full. I felt bad that my mother didn't get to eat, but she was a stubborn person. No matter how hard I protest, she'll keep denying.

Sitting up against the shed wall, I sighed. My mother was currently sleeping at the moment. It gets lonely when I have no one to talk to. But I don't want to wake her up. She hasn't got any sleep lately and I'm getting pretty worried. She's all I got.


My body stiffened. I glanced over at the sheds door. I held my breath, trying not to make a sound. I don't want my mother and I to get caught because of me.


I glanced over at my mother, who's still sound asleep. I held my breath as I cautiously crawled over to where she was sleeping. Without saying anything, I began shaking her roughly. She stirs and opened her eyes. "(Y/N)-" I place a finger on her mouth to silence her. I gesture towards the door. She gives me a look of confusion.


She stiffens and stares at the shed door in fear. She slowly sits up and pulls me close. We was both hugging each other while keeping our gazes at the shed door. With each "bang", it seems that the wooden shed door will give in at any moment. "(Y/N), I need you to listen to me." I hear my mother began. She let's go of me and cautiously stands up. She slowly walks towards one of the back corners of the shed, and pried open 3 wooden planks. It was big enough for someone to crawl under.

"I need you to run. Get as far away from here as possible. Don't you dare come back. No matter how many sounds you hear, don't you DARE even think about running back here. Do you understand me?" She hisses. I nodded vigorously.


She gestures for me to come over and I stood up. Making my way beside the hole, I crouched down in front of it. Looking up at my mother, I gave her a saddened look. "I love you, mom." I say. She smiles at me and ruffles my hair. "I love you, too." She says. I gave a weak smile and went prone. I shimmied my body through the hole and finally made it through. I was about to run off into the woods, when I stopped.

"Hey, mom?" I whispered. "Yes, (Y/N)?" She asks. "Say, "hi" to dad for me, okay?" I say. "I will." She whispers. I gave one last look at the shed, and then I broke out into a run.

As I raced through the trees that grew on top of Mt.Ebott, I gritted my teeth as I heard screams from behind me. It took all my strength to not go back and help her. But I kept running on up the mountain without looking back.


I panted as I stopped running. My lungs was aching from running to hard. Sweat was running down my face. I gazed at my surroundings. All around me was trees. In front of me was a big hole. Curiously, I cautiously made my way to it. Peering over the big hole, my eyes squinted to see to the bottom. I don't. All I see is an endless black abyss. 'I need to be careful. I don't need to fall in that hole. There has to be a way around it.' I thought. I looked around and managed to find a path that was hidden by bushes. The only problem is that it was RIGHT beside the big hole.

Taking a deep breath, I walked to the path, careful on trying not to trip on anything. Once I finally was halfway through the path, my feet slipped on a rock that was in front of me. I reached out my hand to grab something, but ended up grabbed air. My eyes widened as I felt myself falling fast into the deep, dark abyss.


Hey guys! I hoped you liked this chapter! Anyways, I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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