Chapter 5

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I'm so hungry...

I'm so cold...

I'm so scared...

When will this all be over?


"Human." A booming voice says. My (e/c) eyes flew open. Sitting up from the ground, I looked over at the cell door to see Sans. Stepping into the cell, he looks over at the plate where the uneaten foot laid. "You didn't eat your breakfast." He says. "I wasn't hungry." I replied. "You're not hungry now?" He asks, staring at me. I felt my stomach growl hungrily at the thought of food. Despite my stomach rumbling from hunger, I shook my head.

'I would rather starve than eat that...' I thought. "You need to eat. I like my food when it's...alive." He says, grinning at me. My heart stopped at his words. He laughs at my expression. He went to my "breakfast" and picked it up.

"I'll be back with food that's...more to your liking."  He says, walking out and closing the steel door behind him.


Looking blankly at the concrete wall, I waited for Sans to return. 'I hope it's not another foot...or any human part for that matter.' I thought, inwardly shuddering at the thought of something worse than a foot. Minutes later, the steel door swung open. Sans walked into the cell with one of his hands behind his back.

"You hungry now?" He asks, grinning at me. "Is it another foot?" I asked. He laughs and shook his skull. "No. It's not humam either, if you was wondering." He says. I inwardly sighed in relief. "It's much better! You'll love it. I made it myself." He says.

Taking out his hand from behind him, he holds out dog? I looked at him in confusion and disbelief. "Heh, you don't want it?" He asks. My eyes widened and I snatched the hot dog from his hand. Without hesitating, I immediately began devouring down the hot dog. Before I knew it, the hot dog was gone.

I heard Sans chuckle from in front of me. "You sure was hungry. I never seen a human eat one of my finger dogs that fast before." He says. I stopped licking the juice that came from the sausage (heheheh) off my fingers, and looked at him in confusion. "What?" I asked. "Oh? I forgot to mention the "secret ingredient" that I put in it." He says, grinning widely.

"W-What did you put in it?" I asked, hesitantly. Looking at me straight in my eyes, he answered.

"A monster finger."

My eyes widened and I felt my stomach twist in disgust. I felt a strong, burning sensation coming up my throat. I didn't have time to hold it in, before vomit spilled out of my mouth. I heard Sans laughing loudly as I vomited of what I just ate. My head felt dizzy as I finally stopped vomiting. I slowly turned my head towards Sans, glaring at him with so much hate.

"You sick bastard!" I seethed. He just shrugs. "I couldn't let you starve. But now that you threw up my finger dog, I'll have to go find you some more food." He says with an annoyed look. He then walks out and shuts the steel door, leaving me in the cell with the foul stench of vomit lingering in the air.


I sat up against the wall, staring at the steel door. My stomach settled down, now that I wasn't smell distance with my vomit. For what felt like hours, the cell door opened. Sans walked into the cell and threw something at me. It landed in my lap and I looked down at it. It looked like a cinnamon role, but in a shape of a...bunny? I looked up at Sans. 'I'm not falling for this a second time.' I thought, angrily.

"What? Arn't you gonna eat it?" He asks. I shook my head. He sighs in irritation. "Listen, there's nothing in it, I swear." He says. Still not trusting him, I began inspecting the cinnamon role look alike. I sniffed it, checking for any foul stench. Nothing. But it smelled like heaven. I stuck my finger inside it, checking to see if he hid anymore "special ingredients" in it. Nothing, either. Now that I was sure that it was safe to eat, I began eating it cautiously.

I moaned in satisfaction from the taste. As I ate the last bite, I licked my fingers, wanting more of the delicious treat. "See? I told ya that I didn't put anything in it." He says. He walks back over to the cell door. "See ya in a few hours." He says, grinning. Shutting the cell door, I sat and stared at where he was before.

'How much longer will I have to suffer?'


Hey guys! I hoped you liked this chapter! Anyways, I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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