Chapter 11

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It's been a week. Sans hasn't spoke to me since...'that' happened. I tried many ways for him to talk to me. But I failed each time. I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to scream that "he's driving me crazy". All I think about is him. When I dream, all I dream about is him. When he's in the same room, all I look at, is him.

Sighing, I shake my head. No. I need to stop. I need to stop thinking about him. Dreaming of him. LOOKING at him. Ever since that kiss, I never been the same. I don't feel like myself anymore. He changed me. Changed me into some love sick school girl.

I'm done.


I was currently sitting on the couch. My (e/c) eyes watched blankly at the TV. I wasn't watching it. I was lost in my own thoughts. Suddenly, I felt the couch dip from weight being put on it. I didn't bother looking. Probably Papyrus. I sat there, not moving an inch. Well, till I heard a deep, familiar voice beside me.


I snapped out out of my thoughts. I slowly turned my head and saw the one person that was driving me crazy. Sans was sitting a couple inches next to me. If I move even a few inches towards him, I would be touching his arm. I didn't respond. I looked at him blankly. "So...what are ya doing?" He asks. I stared into his eye sockets.

"Watching TV." I respond. I turned my head back to the television. I heard him shuffle a bit. "Cool." He says. We sat in silence. "Where's paps?" He asks, breaking the silence. Not looking at him, I simply said, "Probably his room". Silence again. I could feel the tension in the air. I couldn't take it. I stood up and began walking up the stairs.

"Where are ya going?" I heard him ask. Not looking at him, I said, "The bathroom." Walking into the bathroom, I shut the door and locked it. I put my back against the door. I sighed and slowly began to descend down to the floor. I pulled my legs to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I stared off into space, my thoughts were blank.

I need some time to think.


It felt like hours since I've locked myself in the bathroom. I was just sitting there on the floor, trying to pull myself together before I went back out there. I took a deep breath and stood up. My muscles were sore from sitting in one place for too long. I stretched and unlocked the door. Slowly opening it, I stepped out and closed the door behind me.

Before I could do anything else, I felt a force push me up against the bathroom door. I felt my back slam hard, knocking the air out of me. Familiar bony hands took both my hands wrist, and place them harshly above my head. I struggled, trying to get away. But they had me pinned. My eyes, that were closed from shock by the sudden action, opened.

I was greeted by Sans red eye. But the red eye was blazing with smoke. I saw wisps of red smoke coming out of the red eye. He was furious. That look alone made me cower in fear. "W-What are you-" I gasped in pain when I felt his hands squeeze my wrists hard.

"It's your fault!" He seethed. I blinked in confusion. "What...?" I asked, confused. "You did something to me!" He hissed. 'What? What did I do?' I wondered. "I don't know-" I was cut off again by him picking me off the door, and then slamming me back onto it. "Don't lie to me! I don't know what you did, but you're going to fix whatever you've done to me. If you don't, I'm going to do what I should've done since I first saw you." He growled.

I whimpered. "I don't know what you're talking about! Sans please stop! You're hurting me!" I say, feeling tears prick the corners of my eyes. "I won't let go until you fix what you've done to me!" He says, ignoring my pleas. "I don't know what you mean! I didn't do anything!" I whimper. His grip, that was tightly holding onto my wrists, loosened slightly. He stared at me.

"You don't know." He muttered. I couldn't say anything. I tried to form words, but they died on the tip of my tongue. I nodded, my head felt dizzy. My heart was pounding harshly in my chest. I felt him move. He was shaking. I looked at him, confused. "Heh, you don't know..." I heard him mumble.

"Sans...? What's wrong?" I whispered. His head was down. I couldn't see his face clearly. Then, he looked up. My heart stopped from looking at him. My mouth went dry. My mind went blank.

He was crying.

He broke down in sobs. Red tears came out of his eye sockets. He's shaking uncontrollably. The person that made me cower in fear, was crying in front of me. "I-I don't know what's wrong with me...ever since you came along, things have been different. I'VE been different. I did things that I never thought I'll do to a human. You make me feel...weak. You make me feel all sorts of things." He says between sobs.

I stared as the skeleton broke down. I watched as he shook, his tears flowing down his cheek bones. He layed his skull on my shoulder. He stopped holding my wrist, and his arms hang loosely by his sides. I placed one of my hands on his skull, stroking the way he stroked my hair a week ago. My other hand hanged loosely by my side.

I don't know how long we stayed like that. Sans, breaking down into sobs, and me comforting him. But I do know one thing...

I'm unconditionally in love him.


Hey guys! Here's another chapter for you! I hoped you liked it! Whew! That one was just a roller coaster full of emotions. Anyways, I hope you have an awesome day/night!

|Never Out|

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