Chapter 1 - Gavin

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Alright so here's the first chapter, I hope you enjoy it :)


"Are you ready?" Geoff asks Griffon as they stand outside the building that their soon to be child has been living in.
"I have never been more ready in my life." Griffon smiles as Geoff takes her hand and they walk through the door. They are met by a woman with graying hair pulled into a messy bun and a warm smile on her face.
"You must be Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey. Lovely to meet you, I'm Laura Adams." She says, the same British accent as everyone they've come across since getting off the plane, yet they still don't expect it.
"Hi, I'm Geoff, this is my wife Griffon." Geoff says and Laura smiles.
"I've been expecting you. I hope you had a good flight, it's just a shame the sun we've been having recently didn't stick around enough for you to see London in all it's glory." She says before adding, "Would you like to go and see the children?" Griffon is standing before anyone can say anyone else and Geoff smiles as he stands next to her and the two follow Laura out into the big room next door, full of around 15 children, most are aged 10-16 but there are a few little ones running around. A small boy with cute scruffy blonde hair, big blue eyes, a nose slightly too big for his face and a faint bruise on his left cheek catches the eye of both Griffon and Geoff. He's sat on a sofa with one of the older boys listening to him read a book.
"Is that the boy you told us about?" Geoff asks and Laura looks towards where the couple are looking.
"That's Gavin. He's 6 years old from Oxfordshire, been here about a month. He's such a sweetheart, well spoken and very intelligent. He loves reading and Jamie, the boy he's with, has been reading Harry Potter to him." She says fondly and Griffon smiles at the little boy who is leaning over Jamie's arm to see the book closer.
"So what happened to him?" Geoff asks quietly.
"His mum left when he was a few months old. His dad blamed him I guess and he abused Gavin the second he learnt how to walk. Luckily the school realized something was wrong when he missed weeks of school. He was brought here the second we could prove it wasn't safe for him at home, which is when we contacted you. We figured it would be harder for his father to find him, if he ever tries to once he's out of prison, if he's in a different country, and Jack gave you a glowing recommendation." She says and Griffon has tears in her eyes.
"When can we take him home with us?" She asks and Laura smiles.
"Gavin, sweetie?" She calls and Gavin looks up from the book. He smiles an adorable smile at Laura and climbs off the sofa before running over to her.
"Laura, Jamie said dragons are real but then if they are then why do they play Quidditch on broomsticks and not dragons because dragons are much more awesomer than broomsticks?" He asks and Laura chuckles.
"Because it's not safe to ride dragons near a school." She smiles before adding, "Gavin, this is Geoff and Griffon, they want to take you home with them. Would you like that?" She asks and Gavin looks nervously at the couple.
"Yes please." He says shyly and Laura grins at him.
"Go and ask Jamie to help you gather your things from your room then darling." She says and Gavin runs over to Jamie.
"Can you help me Jamie?" He asks and Jamie smiles, taking Gavin's hand and leading him out of the room. Geoff and Griffon go to Laura's office with her and sign papers and fill out forms and after around 20 minutes Gavin and Jamie come into the room, Gavin with a backpack on and Jamie carrying a backpack and a duffel bag. Jamie places the bags down before smiling at Geoff and Griffon.
"You're getting a goodun' with this one." He says, patting Gavin on the head.
"Gavin, do you want to say bye to anyone?" Laura asks and he turns to Jamie.
"Bye Jamie." He says and Jamie kneels and pulls him into a hug.
"See you around little man." He says before leaving the room. Gavin looks nervously at Geoff and Griffon as he walks over to Laura.
"Gavin, sweetie, Geoff and Griffin are gonna be your mummy and daddy. They live in America." She says and Gavin looks over at them again.
"I'm Gavin." He says shyly and Griffon smiles, pulling a light brown teddy out of her bag.
"Hey, Gavin. We brought you this." She says holding out the bear. Gavin smiles at her and takes the teddy, hugging it tightly.
"Thank you." He says and she smiles.

Before they know it they're on a plane back to Texas, Gavin fast asleep in the seat between Geoff and Griffon, clutching the teddy bear in a death grip.
"Are you alright babe?" Geoff asks Griffon, who had been looking fondly at Gavin.
"He's perfect Geoff. I love him already, I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much this fast. We've only had him since 12, that's only 7 hours." She says and Geoff grins at her, clutching her hand.
"I love him too. I can't wait for him to see his room and the cat, Laura said he loves cats. Oh my god I can't wait to take him to the office with me and he can go to the school on the way to work so we can drop him off on the way, that's supposed to be a really good school." Geoff says excitedly and Griffon kisses the back of his hand.

The plane soon lands and Geoff picks up the still fast asleep Gavin, making sure to grab the teddy, whilst Griffon grabs the carry-on bags. Gavin stays in a deep sleep until they're a few minutes away from the house and looks around nervously before noticing Geoff and Griffon. He remembers Laura saying they're his new mummy and daddy and he remembers the teddy, which he realises is still in his lap.
"Griffon?" Gavin asks as Geoff is driving.
"Oh, sweetheart you're awake. What's wrong Gavver?" She asks smiling at him.
"Where are we?" He asks, he doesn't recognise the road they're on. It has big houses that are separated unlike the usual houses in London which are mainly all attached together.
"We're almost home love. This is where Geoff and I live, we're in America." She says as Geoff pulls up in their driveway.
"You excited to see your new room buddy?" Geoff asks and Gavin nods. They climb out of the car and Gavin holds onto Griffons hand whilst Geoff gets the bags out of the car. They show Gavin around the house and they grin at his reaction to his room. Gavin says he absolutely loves it before he runs over to the Ramsey couple and hugs them both. Geoff picks him up and they have a family hug before they put Gavin's' things away. Gavin easily and quickly bonded with the Ramsey's and adores the two of them and loves going to work with Geoff or watching Griffon carve, and even though he only calls them mum and dad occasionally, he treats them as if they are his birth parents and they don't mind that he calls them Geoff and Griffon.


So I will try and post chapters regularly because I have no excuse not to but knowing me the updates aren't gonna be consistent so I apologize in advance for how unpredictable updates will be but Holly7532 I hope you enjoy my interpretation of your idea and I hope anyone else that reads this enjoys it too :)

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