Chapter 7

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Gavin wakes up Sunday morning to Ryan shaking him.

"Yo, you've got an hour to get ready." He says once he knows Gavin is awake before leaving the room. Gavin has a quick shower and pulls on some skinny jeans and a band t-shirt that used to belong to Geoff before walking into the kitchen, seeing Geoff and Ryan both eating toast and talking about halo. Gavin walks over to the kettle to make a cup of tea and as he finishes making it the door opens and Michael walks in. Gavin turns around to say hi but freezes when he sees Michael. He's wearing a black beanie which his curly hair is sticking out the bottom of, he has black skinny jeans on and a plain back t-shirt that fits his body really well and shows off his muscles. He still has black snake bites and what could be the space eyebrow piercing and when Michael says hello Gavin notices the black tongue piercing. He also has a small black hoop in his septum which is really fucking sexy and Gavin lets his mind wander and he starts to wonder what colour Michael's other piercing is and if it hurt but he soon realises that this is not appropriate to think about.

"Alright lads, you good to go?" Geoff asks once they've all had a cup of tea or coffee and something to eat. They all nod, still tired, and follow him out to his car.

"SHOTGUN!" Ryan calls out, climbing into the front of the car and Michael and Gavin complain even though they would have sat next to each other anyway. They walk into the office and Geoff is immediately pulled into a room while Ryan is called to help the IT guys.

"Gavver can you come do some lines for RvB?" Burnie, another one of the people that cofounded Rooster Teeth, asks and Gavin nods, Michael following him as he doesn't know anyone else. Gavin records some lines and helps Burnie with an episode before he and Michael walk around the office. Gavin introduces him to a few people and when they go to the break room they find Barbara sitting with Gus.

"Hey Gav, who's this?" Gus asks and Gavin walks over to them, Michael following behind him.

"New brother, Micool this is Gus, cofounder of RT, and you've met Babs, she works in the social and community marketing part of RT and is in the shorts and stuff." Michael says hi to Gus and smiles at Barbara before they continue walking around. They run into Ryan and introduce Michael to the IT guys before going to the office Geoff was dragged into, leaving Ryan to finish his work.

"Hey Gavver, how you been?" Matt asks as the two teens walk into the room. Geoff is sat at a table with Matt and Joel having a chat.

"I'm good, just been helping Burnie with RvB and introducing Micool to everyone." Gavin says and he nods.

"You guys good to go?" Geoff asks the two teens and they both nod.

"Yeah, just waiting on Ryan to finish his work. He should be done in a minute." Gavin explains and Geoff nods.

"Right well we're done too so we can go as soon as Ryan's ready." He says as the door opens and Ryan walks in.

"Hey. I'm done." He says and Geoff stands up.

"Awesome, lets go then lads." He says and they all leave the office and climb in the car.

When they arrive home they all split off to do different things. Gavin goes to finish the video he was editing yesterday, Michael goes to his room to sort out the last of his stuff that he hasn't unpacked yet and Ryan goes to his room to do a live stream. After around half an hour there's a knock on Gavins bedroom door, even though its open, and he turns to see Michael.

"Hey, you busy?" He asks and Gavin shakes his head, he had just finished the edit.

"Nah boi, come in. Shut the door behind you so we don't interrupt Ryan." Gavin says quietly and Michael shuts the door and walks over to Gavins bed, where the Brit was now lying down. Michael lies next to him and they stay in silence for a few minutes.

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