Chapter 9

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"Hey Gavver." Ryan says as he walks into Gavins room a few minutes later. He frowns when he sees a pained look on Gavins face and walks over to lie next to him.

"What happened little bro?" He asks softly and Gavin sighs, rolling onto his side and burying himself in Ryan's chest.

"You were wrong Ry." He mumbles and Ryan sighs, wrapping his arms around Gavin.

"What happened?"

"Well we were lying down and he said it was nice to have someone be proud of him cause Geoff said he was proud he was sticking to the family rep and I told him I was proud of him and we were in the same position we've been in so many times and I followed your advice but he just froze and then Geoff called him and he left. I fucked up Ry. I fucked up bad." Gavin mumbles and Ryan frowns when Gavins voice cracks.

"Gavver, I'm sorry. I know you like him. You never know though, he might just have been shocked. It's not necessarily a rejection." He says softly and Gavin sighs, too tired to argue.

Meanwhile, Michael is freaking out. Gavin kissed him and my god did he love it but he was so shocked that he didn't have time to kiss him back before Geoff called him and he saw the hurt look on Gavin's face as he left. Geoff is saying something about a meeting that he and Griffon have to attend next week to see how Michael settled in but all Michael wants to do is go back to Gavin. Finally Geoff lets him go and he smiles before walking down the hall. He stops outside his own bedroom door and frowns; will Gavin even want to see him? He probably thinks he was rejected. Michael decides it's best to go talk to him and frowns when he walks to Gavins room and sees him cuddled close to Ryan's side, his eyes shut and breathing deeply.

"Hey Michael, how was your first day?" Ryan asks quietly, nodding to Gavins desk chair. Michael sits down and shrugs.

"It was alright." He mumbles and Ryan nods.

"I hear you lived up to the Ramsey reputation." He states.

"Yeah, so Geoff and Gavin said. It got me out of a few detentions and a fight today." He says, still frowning slightly at Gavin and how his head is resting on Ryan's shoulder and it's now that he notices the tear stains on Gavin's cheeks.

"Yeah it's great." Ray says as he enters the room, looking over to Ryan and adding "Geoff wants you love." Ryan smiles over at Ray and carefully moves Gavin so he's lying down on his bed before getting up and wrapping his arm around Ray.

"Lets go then. Oh, Michael, talk to him." Ryan says, nodding over at Gavin before leaving the room, his arm thrown around Rays shoulders. Michael frowns at the sleeping boy and decides to just come back later when he isn't asleep.

"Hey Michael, how was your first day?" Jeremy asks as Michael walks past his room and Michael stops in Jeremy's door.

"It was alright I guess." He says and Jeremy nods. They exchange a few more words before Michael decides to just go and lie down.

He sighs when he can't fall asleep and figures he should just try and get some work done. He sits at his desk, puts on his headphones and works on his English essay until Jeremy comes and gets him for dinner. Michael sits next to Jeremy and when Gavin comes in a minute later he falls silent.

"Can I eat in my room? Got work to do." Gavin asks and Geoff frowns in concern before nodding.

"Sure thing buddy, you okay?" He asks and Gavin nods. Gavin grabs his plate without even glancing in Michaels direction and leaves the room. He always eats with the others, but after what happened earlier he can't look at Michael without feeling embarrassed and stupid. He sighs and sits at his desk, quickly eating his dinner before turning to his computer and scrolling through YouTube.

"Gav." He hears Ryan say after 10 minutes of pointless scrolling and he turns around.

"You can't avoid him forever. You go school together. Also Geoff may be dumb but even he noticed something was wrong at dinner." Gavin bites his lip.

"I'm not avoiding anyone." He lies and Ryan raises an eyebrow.

"Alright fine, but I can't talk to him yet." Gavin says, standing up and taking his plate to the kitchen before going back upstairs and lying in his bed.

A few hours later it's 2am and he's still wide awake just staring at the ceiling. He's so nervous about tomorrow and he can't sleep because of it. He hears his phone buzz and grabs it to see a text from Michael.


You awake?



Gavin quickly replies and a minute later he hears a quiet knock on his door. He rolls out of bed and opens his door, biting his lip when he sees Michael.

"Can I, er, can I talk to you?" He asks and Gavin moves aside, letting Michael in before shutting the door behind him. Gavin sits on his bed leaning against the headboard, his knees pulled up to his chest. Michael sits opposite him at the other end of the bed and Gavin notices he keeps clicking his tongue piercing. He's nervous too.

"I er, I'm sorry." Michael says and Gavin was not expecting that.

"What for?" Gavin asks, genuinely confused because he was the one that kissed him.

"I don't know what you're thinking but I have a few guesses and I'm sorry that I sort of ran earlier but you kind of caught me off guard and I wasn't expecting it so I was kind of in shock and before I could do anything Geoff was calling me." He rushes out, still speaking quietly as it's so late, and Gavin frowns.

"What are you saying?" He asks, not sure where Michael is going with this. Michael shuffles closer to Gavin until he's right in front of him and clicks his piercing again.

"I'm saying that I didn't get to kiss you back." He mumbles and Gavins eyes widen in realisation of what Michael means and before he knows what's happening Michaels lips are on his and Gavin can't help but melt into the kiss and in this moment he can't help but thank the lord that Geoff and Griffon decided to adopt another kid, even if they did promise Jeremy would be the last one.


So it's done... Thank you to Holly7532 for the awesome idea, I had so much fun writing this and I hope I did it justice, and I hope everyone else liked it too :)

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