Chapter 2 - Ray

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Chapter update can I get a hell yeah! Probably not anyways here's Ray's story hope you like it 🖤 also quick side note how much of a cunt is trump like come on trans people are not burdens and they are worthy and they belong and if they want to fight for their country then they should be allowed to because they are human❤️💛💚💙💜



When Gavin was 11 years old Geoff called him into the front room, saying he wants to talk to him, so they both sit on the sofa and Gavin looks at him nervously.
"Gav, buddy, Griffin and I got a call earlier, but we want to make sure you're okay with it first." Geoff starts and Gavin nods.
"What happened? Is something wrong?" He asks, his British accent still as strong as the day he came to America.
"Nothings wrong Gavver. We got a call from social services. There's a 10-year-old boy who needs a family. If you're-" Geoff is cut off by Gavin talking.
"When can we go get him? Where is he? He can have the room next to mine right? What's his name?" Gavin asks, already excited for a brother. He loves Geoff and Griffon and he is so incredibly grateful that they chose him when he was 6 but he does miss being surrounded by so many children sometimes, even though he does love it being just the three of them.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Geoff asks and Gavin doesn't even need to think before he nods.
"You helped me when I was little because I needed help. If we can help another person then why wouldn't we." Gavin remembers what happened to him as a young child sometimes, occasionally waking up from nightmares about it. Geoff and Griffon helped him, and why shouldn't they be able to help someone else. Sure, it would be weird considering its just been him and Geoff and Griffon for 5 years but he'd rather not be selfish and deny the boy a loving and safe home.

The Ramsey's pile into the car the next day after having a day of buying him clothes and furniture and stuff for his room and drive to pick up Ray from the police station. He's severely underweight and obviously malnourished and his eyes look so empty of hope or happiness and Gavin feels his heart break slightly for his soon to be brother. Geoffs friend Jack told Geoff on the phone that his dad is who knows where and his mum's a druggie who puts coke and heroin before her child. Ray has nothing but the clothes on his back and he doesn't say anything apart from a very quiet and very weak hello. Geoff sorts out some papers and stuff and after an hour they're allowed to take Ray home.

Rays POV

I don't really know whats going on. Mum hasn't been back since she met that guy who said something about heroine and she jumped at the chance to score. I haven't seen her in a while. She might not even be alive, probably overdosed to be honest. I'm not sure what day it is but I do know it's been a good couple days since I last ate anything. It's raining and cold so I bury myself deeper into the corner of the alley I've been living in for the past few weeks since we were kicked out of our flat. I watch the people walk past and frown; no one is so much as glancing down the alley which means it's probably going to be another night where I don't get to eat. I shut my eyes and rest my head against the cold brick wall, ready to fall asleep.
"Hey." I hear a woman's voice call softly and sigh. Why do people insist on shouting to people in the street. I then hear footsteps coming down the alley and realise that the voice was calling me. I open my eyes and see a police officer coming towards me. Well this probably isn't going to end well.
"Hey, are you lost?" The officer asks and I shake my head which makes her frown.
"Where's your mum?" She asks and I shrug and she frowns again before she looks back down the alley.
"Jon!" She calls and another police officer comes into view before walking towards us.
"Kids on his own. Not saying anything. Should we take him down to the station and call social services?" The woman asks and the guy, Jon, nods before turning to me.
"Hey kid. I'm Jon, this is Mica. You wanna tell me your name?" He asks and I bite my lip. Mum would kill me for talking to cops.
"Ray." I mutter and he smiles slightly.
"How old are you Ray?" He asks and I mumble "Ten."
"Alright Ray, do you know where your parents are?" He asks and I shake my head. They ask a couple more questions and before I know it I'm wearing clean clothes and I've been cleaned up and I'm sitting in a room in a police station with Jon whilst some woman from social services asks about my mum.

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