Chapter 5 - Michael

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Basically everything until this point was a sort of flashback type thing and this is now current day. Hope you enjoy :)


Geoff grins as he watches his boys look out the window, awaiting the arrival of the newest kid that himself and Griffon have decided to adopt, like they have done with every new arrival before. They currently have 4 boys, Ryan at 17, Gavin at 16, Ray at 15 and Jeremy at 11. Gavin is probably the most excited about getting another brother as, even though he loves his brothers and he is Geoff and Griffons favorite, their new brother is the same age as him and it means he doesn't have to third wheel Ryan and Ray anymore, who got together a few months ago but have been in love since a month or two after Ryan got here.

Geoff smiled as he saw his second youngest boy bouncing with excitement.
"There's a car! They're here oh my god!" Ray exclaimed before turning to Griffon, his excited expression being replaced with a nervous one as he clutches onto Ryan.
"Don't worry Ray, he's nice, you'll love him." Griffon smiles at the boy.
"OH MY GOD GEOFF! Are you trying to kill me? How dare you! Did you really think you could bring that beautiful specimen into our home and I wouldn't cry or burst into song?" Gavin exclaims, ever the drama queen. Geoff and the boys laugh at him while Griffon walks over to the window next to Jeremy and Gavin, who are both still looking out the window as Michael walks up the path.
"OH MY GOD! He has fucking piercings!" Gavin exclaims, throwing his hand on his forehead and collapsing onto Ryan dramatically, who catches him and rolls his eyes. Gavin came out to Geoff and Griffon the moment he realised he was gay, knowing Griffon was bisexual and Geoff and Griffon are the most open-minded people he knows. Geoff rolls his eyes, still laughing as he throws an arm round Griffons shoulders. There's a knock at the door and Geoff walks over to it.
"Ready guys?" He asks and everyone says yes apart from Gavin, who suddenly looks extremely nervous.
"Wait no I need a second." He says, mentally preparing what to say so he doesn't look like an idiot in front of the cute new boy. Gavin nods at Geoff after a few seconds and Geoff opens the door to reveal Jack and 16-year-old Michael. He has a bandage around his neck and bruises scatter his arms and peak out the top of his shirt slightly. He also has a temporary eye patch covering his left eye that is slightly hidden by his long curly hair. Michael, like the other boys the Ramsey's have adopted, has had a fucked-up life. His mother beat him for the fun of it and, when she was having a particularly shit day or just really wanted to hurt Michael, she would grab his throat and dig in her nails, breaking the skin and causing her son to bleed. His father, however, would hit Michael where it wouldn't be seen. The only visible mark caused by his dad is the eye patch. A few days ago, his parents were shouting and screaming at him and his dad threw a glass at him. It didn't hit Michael but it hit the wall above his head and a piece of glass scratched his eye. All of this was told to Geoff and Griffon by Jack when they first found out about Michael, but none of their boys know this information because people prefer to tell their own story and in their own time.

Michael's POV

I didn't realise how fucking nerve racking it would be to meet a bunch of people for the first time and start living with them. Jack walks me to the front door of a pretty big house and turns to look at me. I play with my piercing out of nervous habit and train my eyes at the door in front of me, refusing to let my gaze sink. Jack has been looking after me at the hospital for the past few days since my mum and dad went fucking ape shit. They were both arrested and aren't allowed to see me ever again, which is why I have to be adopted rather than go and live with my grandparents. Jack knocks on the door and I fiddle with my lip piercing as the door is opened to reveal a man and woman, both heavily tattooed. I look over and see 4 boys stood just off to the side.
"Hey Jack. Hi Michael, I'm Geoff, this is Griffon. Come on in." The man says and I walk slowly into the room, after shooting a nervous glance at Jack who nods encouragingly before handing Griffon my bag and leaving us to it.
"This is Jeremy, the youngest at 11." Geoff says about a short boy with brown hair standing closest to us. He then turns towards two more boys, one a little bit shorter than me with black hair and glasses, the other taller than me with brown hair.
"This is Ray, 15, and Ryan, 17." Geoff says and I nod in recognition as they both say hello. Geoff turns to the final boy as I look down at the floor again.
"Michael this is Gavin. He's the same age as you." Geoff says and I look up at the boy and suddenly never want to look away. His light brown hair messy as hell but still managing to look cute and soft and he has amazing green eyes. We stare at each other for a while before Gavin finally speaks.
"Hey Micool." He mumbles and wow because 1. That's definitely a British accent and 2. I love the way he says my name.
"Hi." I mutter and Geoff chuckles.

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