Chapter 6

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After lunch Gavin goes back to his room and continues editing the video, occasionally chatting to Ryan who is lying on Gavin's bed, finishing his physics homework.

"So you like Michael?" He asks and Gavin sighs.

"Ry." He mumbles sadly and Ryan looks over at his little brother.

"What's wrong? You like him, he's your age, he's pretty cute, and I saw the way you kept looking over at him during lunch. I don't see what the issue is." He says and Gavin sighs again.

"I don't want to cock it up, Ry. Also technically he's our brother." Gavin says, looking towards the door to make sure it's shut.

"You're not actually related, you know?" Ryan says.

"You're just saying that cause you're in love with Ray." Gavin mumbles and Ryan smiles.

"At least I admitted it to him. There's nothing wrong with it." He says and Gavin finally spins around to look at Ryan.

"I don't wanna talk about it." He says and Ryan frowns, gesturing for Gavin to join him on the bed. Gavin sighs as he walks over and lies on his back next to Ryan, staring at the ceiling with Ryan doing the same next to him.

"Gav you need to be more trusting." He says. Gavin knows he's right. Gavin doesn't trust anyone apart from his family and Dan, a friend from school. He has other school friends but he doesn't really trust them as much as normal people trust their friends. It took Gavin a few weeks before he fully trusted Geoff and Griffon and it took him around a month to trust Ray and Jeremy. He trusted Ryan within 2 weeks and they've been so close since. Gavin loves his brothers but Ryan is his favorite, maybe it's because he's older than Ray and Jeremy.

"Geoff and Griffon wouldn't have adopted him unless they believed he was a good kid. He's nice Gav, and you were getting on with him at lunch. Even lil J likes him and he doesn't like anyone. Give him a chance Gav, and not even as a potential boyfriend. It's his first day here, he's obviously gone through some shit, we all have, that's why we're here. He's probably terrified and I doubt he trusts us either. Right now he needs you to be his friend." Ryan speaks softly and Gavin sighs once he's done. Ryan's right. Ryan's always right.

"How is it you know everything?" Gavin asks and Ryan smiles.

"I read a lot?" He says as there's a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" Gavin calls and Michael opens the door.

"Hey." Ryan says, sitting up and pulling Gavin up with him.

"Hey, Geoff said to come and get you." Michael says, looking at Gavin who nods once in recognition.

"Me or me and Ryan?" Gavin asks.

"Er, just you." Michael says and Gavin rolls off his bed and walks towards the door.

"Ry, don't touch my computer, I haven't saved the video and I really don't wanna re-edit it." Gavin says as he leaves his room with Michael, Ryan walking to his own room directly across the hall. The boys walk in a slightly awkward silence until they reach the front room. Gavin spends the time trying not to stare at Michaels snake bites and, after a few seconds of wondering what the fuck that clicking noise was, Gavin realizes that Michael also has a tongue piercing and has the habit of clicking it against his teeth.

"Hey Geoffrey, what's up?" Gavin says as he enters the front room, Michael going into the kitchen where Ray is sitting with Griffon.

"Hey Gavver. I need you to do me a favor." He says and Gavin nods.

"Sure thing, what d' you need?"

"Would you show Michael around town? I figured it would be nice for him to know where he lives and how to get to places since he's from New Jersey and as you're the same age you can bond and shit. Just show him how to get to school and the mall and all that." Geoff says and Gavin looks at him with slightly wide eyes. Geoff wants him to be alone, with Michael, for a few hours?

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