Chapter 4 - Lil J

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It's lil J's story, hope you enjoy <3 this one isn't that long so apologies if you were hoping for a long chapter, the rest of them shouldn't be too short so I will make up for it :) Also do you like the different point of views or would you rather I just do it all from a third person view? I feel like the different POV's give more detail and stuff but it's up to you lot


"Guys!" Geoff calls, having just got off the phone with Griffon. He walks into the front room to see Gavin, Ray and Ryan playing GTAV, laughing as Gavin dives out of a plane and crashes into a traffic light.
"Guys, listen up." Geoff says and Ryan pauses the game.
"What's up?" Ray asks.
"I just got off the phone with Griffon. She's at the police station. There's a kid there that Griffon found and they need someone to adopt him." Geoff explains. Gavin smiles, he loves it when a new kid gets here, but he's always nervous that it will change the happy atmosphere or the dynamic of the family.
"His name's Jeremy and he's 9 years old." Geoff says when none of the boys have said anything.
"So, I'm not the youngest anymore? Awesome!" Ray says and they all chuckle before Geoff takes the boys to help him get clothes and stuff for Jeremy's room as all that's in the room is some furniture.

Jeremys POV

It's sunny as usual so I stay at the entrance of the alley where mum left me. I know I'm in Texas because I saw a sign in the car on the way here but I'm not sure where exactly in Texas I am, or how far away from Massachusetts I am. Mum told me to get out of the car and drove off the second I had done so, so I'm going to assume she isn't coming back for me. It's been about a week and a half. I sigh as I wipe the sweat off my forehead and retreat a bit further into the alley to avoid the sun. I like to stay where people can see me because you get the occasional nice person that will give me food or a bottle of water. I lean against the wall and fiddle with the bottom of my shirt, cringing at the fact that it's stuck to me because of the layer of sweat. I feel something block the sun and look up, confused, to see a woman standing in front of me. She smiles and holds out a bottle of water and I take it and drink half of it in one go, thanking her after.
"You're welcome. What are you doing out here on your own?" She asks and I shrug, taking another sip of water.
"My mum drove me here and dropped me off and left." I mutter and she frowns.
"Lets take you somewhere safe, shall we?" She offers and I frown, not sure I should trust her.
"Where are we going?" I ask and she smiles warmly.
"I'm going to take you to the police station, they will be able to look after you." She says and I nod.
"My names Griffon." She says as we start walking down the road.
"Jeremy." I say and she nods.
"Where are you from, Jeremy?"

"Massachusetts." I reply as she walks over to a car and opens the door for me. She asks me a couple more questions as she drives and after a while Griffon pulls up in front of a police station. We walk inside and over to the front desk.
"Hey, could you tell Jack I need to talk to him. It's urgent." She says and I look up at her.
"Who is Jack?" I ask nervously and she looks down at me and smiles.
"He's a friend of mine. He works in child protection. He's gonna make sure you're okay." She says and I nod.
"Griffon?" I hear and I turn to see a tallish man with a big beard looking at us.
"Hey Jack, this is Jeremy. Found him in an alley." She says and Jack looks at me and smiles.
"Hey Jeremy, I'm Jack. Do you wanna come with me so I can make sure you're okay?" He asks and I nod hesitantly before following him down a corridor and into what looks like the nurses office at school where a woman is. She checks me over and I have a shower before putting on some clothes they had spare which are slightly too big, they give me food, and then I'm back in a room with Jack and Griffon.

"So, Jeremy, we tried to contact your mother." Jack says and I bite my lip, staying silent.
"We had a chat with her, but we have determined that she isn't fit enough to look after you." He says and I sigh.
"Go figure." I mutter and he frowns slightly.
"But we've had a chat and Griffon and her husband have decided they want to adopt you." He says and I look at Griffon shocked.
"What?" I ask and she smiles.
"Me and my husband have 3 boys, and we want to add you to our family. As soon as possible, if that's okay with you." She says and I nod, still not sure if this is all just a dream. The papers only take a couple of hours to sort out and sign, and I meet Geoff who is awesome, and then I'm in the car going home to meet my new brothers.

Third person POV

They spend about 2 hours shopping and by the time they get home they are all carrying a shit ton of bags. The boys help Geoff set up Jeremy's room and when they're done Gavin, Ray and Ryan decide to go play on the trampoline for a while before Jeremy arrives. They're called inside after a few hours when Geoff and Griffon get back from signing papers and picking up Jeremy.
"Boys! Come here!" Griffon calls out. They all walk into the kitchen where they see Jeremy sitting with Geoff and Griffon at the table.
"Guys this is Jeremy, Jeremy this is Ryan, Gavin and Ray." Griffon says calmly and Jeremy smiles slightly at the boys as a hello.
"Hey, you wanna come play GTA?" Ray asks and Jeremy looks unsure for a few seconds before slowly nodding and following the boys into the front room. After a few hours Jeremy seems to be fitting in well and he seems to be adjusting to the Ramsey's and by the end of his first day they're all getting on so well.


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