Chapter 8

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quick side note I know this is set in America but I have no idea how the American school system works so I've just used the British school system


Gavin wakes up on Monday somewhat excited for school as he gets to show Michael round and Geoff arranged it so that Michael is in his form. He showers and pulls on some skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt before pulling on a rooster teeth hoodie and shoving his needed folders in his bag. He walks into the kitchen to see everyone already eating breakfast and quickly makes a bowl of cereal so he isn't late. The lads chat casually through breakfast before they leave for school, Michael and Gavin turning right, Jeremy, Ray and Ryan turning left. Ray and Jeremy go to the same school and Ryan goes to the sixth form attached to their school while Michael and Gavin go to a sixth form on the other side of town. They shout bye as they turn in different directions and Gavin and Michael start up a conversation about video games while they walk. They meet Gavin's friends at the corner, like Gavin told Michael they would, and walk to school together, all discussing which halo game is their favorite.

When they get to the school Gavin takes Michael to the office so he can get his timetable before comparing it with his own. They're in the same form and as they both do psychology and English literature they're in the same classes for that, but Michael does physics while Gavin does Media, so they're in different classes then. They also both have the exact same free periods which is lucky.

"Right, we have 2 free periods and then we have psychology so we usually just hang out in the common room until class." Gavin explains as he walks to the common room, chatting to a few people on the way and introducing Michael to the people he passes. When they reach the common room they find Gavins' friends sitting on sofas in the back corner and walk over to them. They sit with the guys and chat and have a laugh until period 3 starts, when Gavin walks to psychology with Michael, Barbara and Dan. The four of them enter the class a few minutes late and the teacher stops what he was saying in order to turn to them. He's only young, probably mid 20's, with blue eyes and light brown hair, his tie loose around his neck and his shirt untucked from his jeans. He looks exactly like a teacher that tries to be relatable and you could probably have banter with.

"Miss Dunkleman, Mr Gruchy and Mr Free. Late again? And who's this?" Mr Lewis says and the guys walk to their seats in the back corner.

"This is Micool Jones, new student." Gavin says, motioning for Michael to sit next to him.

"Welcome Michael, I hope these three aren't being a bad influence on you." Mr Lewis says and Michael shrugs, smirking at Gavin.

"I'm not sure they need to be." He says slouching back in his chair, easily sassing the teachers as he's always been that type of student. Gavin has banter with his teachers but he can easily sass them into oblivion, so he's somewhat proud of Michaels attitude.

"It seems you're already fitting in with the disruptive students, you must get on well." Sir says and Michael turns his attention from Gavins proud little smile to the teacher.

"Well Gav is my brother so I guess it's a good thing we get along, huh?" Michael says and Mr Lewis nods.

"Ah, another Ramsey kid." He says. Even though all of Geoff and Griffons kids have their original last names, they're known as the Ramsey kids, and everyone knows that they get away with murder and that you shouldn't mess with them. Michael nods at the teacher while Gavin smiles.

"Well Michael, we have a certain way of-" Mr Lewis is cut of by Michael.

"Of doing things here. Don't backchat the teachers, respect everyone else, don't be rude, get your work done and for god sake take those piercings out." Michael says before adding "Did I get that right? Or should I take my beanie off too?" He asks and Mr Lewis raises his eyebrow.

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