Chapter 3 - Ryan

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I was wrong, It's Ryan next... also sorry for taking fucking decades to update and I wish I had an excuse but honestly I've only been out about 5 times and I'm just lazy... enjoy


It was 2 years after Ray was adopted that Geoff and Griffon heard about Ryan. He was a 14-year-old that had been through more hell than anyone should ever have to go through, with an abusive father and a bipolar mother who killed herself in front of him, they just knew they wanted to help him.
"Hey boys. Take a seat." Geoff says as Ray and Gavin come home from school.
"What's up?" Ray asks nervously but Gavin knows what's happening; he remembers the way Geoff told him about Ray.
"We're adopting a new kid?" Gavin asks, making sure he's right. Geoff nods, a nervous smile on his face.
"Awesome! I was getting bored of Gav." Ray says jokingly and Gavin pouts, jumping onto Ray.
"But X-ray I love you!" He whines, hugging Ray tight and Ray chuckles before hugging Gavin back just as tight. The two let go before turning back to Geoff.
"So how old are they?" Ray asks.
"All we can tell you is that his name is Ryan, he's 14 and he's from Georgia." Geoff explains and Gavin sits up straight.
"14? I won't have to be the oldest anymore? Thank fuck!" Gavin grins and Geoff smiles.
"So we're gonna get his room sorted out today and tomorrow morning and then tomorrow afternoon we're gonna go pick him up." Geoff says and Ray and Gavin smile before dropping their school backpacks in their room and joining Geoff and Griffon near the front door so they can help them pick stuff for Ryan's new room.


I put a few items of clothing, my diary and a pen and a few other things that mean a lot to me in my backpack and the police officer places his hand on my back and leads me out of my house. The blood on my face is starting to dry, my entire body aches from the beating I got less than an hour ago and I'm exhausted physically and emotionally. As we walk past the living room I see the pool of blood from my mum shooting herself and feel like I could throw up. I'm lead through the crowds of people, most of them neighbours, and over to a police car and driven to the station where they try and clean me up and sit me in a room on my own. After a few minutes a man with a pretty impressive beard and friendly eyes walks in holding a cup and a plate.
"Hey Ryan. I heard you've been through a hell of a lot. I'm Jack, a social worker." He says, setting down the cup of what looks like coke and a plate of cookies in front of me and sitting on the sofa opposite.
"So, I've found a family that would love to adopt you." He says and I look up at him. "Why?" I ask, confused as to why anyone would adopt a kid as messed up as I am.
"Because they want to help you. They have two boys already and would love another one." He says and I nod.

The next day after lunch I sit with Jack and wait for the people that are adopting me. They arrive and I immediately notice how nice and friendly they look. They both smile at me and I bite my lip nervously.
"Hey Ryan, I'm Geoff, this is Griffon." Geoff says and I swallow the lump in my throat.
"Hi." I mumble and Griffon and Geoff sit on the sofa with Jack. They start talking about the papers and stuff, both of them looking over at me every once in a while and smiling softly and wow it's been a while since I've received a look like that. They sign the papers and I grab my bag and before I know it I'm unpacking in my new room.


After lunch Ray and Gavin sit on the sofa bouncing with excitement. Griffon thought it would be best for them to wait at home as their car is only a 5-seater and depending what Ryan's emotional state is like, he might not want to be that close to another person yet. Ryan has bruises all over his face and body and although they tried to clean him up at the police station it is still obvious he had blood all over his face. His father beat him often and there are old and new bruises scattered across his face and down his arms and his mother couldn't look after herself let alone Ryan. He was pretty much silent in the car, but not in a rude way, more in a 'I don't know you and you might fuck me over like my parents did' way.
"We're here buddy." Geoff says as he gets out of the car and picks up Ryans backpack.
"Gavin and Ray are home, and they might talk to you and ask you to play video games with them, they're excited that you're coming, but I will try and keep them out of your way so you can get settled in." Griffon says softly, leading Ryan in through the front door. Geoff goes straight into the front room to stop Gav and Ray bugging Ryan and Griffon leads him upstairs and down the hall to his room and puts his bag on his double bed.
"Gavin's is the room opposite, he's a year younger than you. Ray's is next to his, Me and Geoff are downstairs. If you need anything we'll be in the kitchen. Come down whenever you're ready, sweetheart." Griffon says softly and Ryan tries to force a smile.
"Thank you." He mumbles and Griffon smiles before leaving the room and shutting the door behind her. Ryan sits on his bed and sighs. He's amazingly grateful that he was adopted and Geoff and Griffon are amazing and from what Jack at the police station said, their sons are great too, but Ryan feels like he's intruding on their lives. After maybe 2 hours, when Ryan has had a look round his room and put the few things he brought with him away and is just sat on his bed staring at the floor, he hears a knock on the door. It opens to reveal a boy with a larger than average nose and piercing blue eyes that are shining.
"Hey, I'm Gavin." He says nervously and Ryan nods once in recognition, noticing his British accent and frowning slightly in confusion.
"Ryan." He says.
"Griffon was wondering if you wanted to come eat dinner?" He asks and Ryan nods before silently following Gavin out of the room and towards the kitchen.

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