[13] The joy of living into?

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Seems like summer is reaching its peak today

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Seems like summer is reaching its peak today. The sounds of cicadas get even louder for each bug. Even the summer wind playfully touched the bell that hung on Natsume's room window.

What a beautiful day as it goes along unnoticeably from us. Part of us have never had the chance to stop what we're doing and take a moment to admire the mother of nature's works, to be grateful, to be alive. And by all that means, we ought to take a moment to breathe out our stress and let ourselves be embraced by her for everything they have. And for the things we never have.

In the midst of this wonderful day, Natsume is somehow fidgeting a lot as he sits quietly on the bench with Nyanko-sensei accompanying him by sitting beside Natsume.

"What are you fidgeting so much? Idiot. "
Harassed Nyanko monotonously.

Natsume was ticked off a little bit by him, but just when he wanted to talk back at him, Natsume realized that what Nyanko-sensei said was correct.

"Hah... You're right... What am I being so nervous about? Well, it's just... Rikuo-kun has always been in town or some famous places, isn't he? I hope he won't be disappointed when he arrives in this rural place. "

"Rural place? Psh, this is like a playground for every Youkai. Since that kid is half of them, he will at least feel good at this place. And first thing first, it's not my problem if he's having a hard time in here anyway! Huh! "

Ending his growl with dishonest words is always Nyanko's signature, apparently.

A moment after the short argument, the sounds of the vibrating railway with its ever so loud bell, the long-awaited train finally came. It's strange how nervous he was, but it quickly turned into the excitement almost visibly drawn in Natsume's eyes. Slowly, the train finally stopped. From inside, the door opened, and that's when Natsume and Nyanko got up from their seat.

Natsume knows that it shouldn't be too hard to search for Rikuo and Zen since the people getting off at this station are always small in number. But he didn't expect it... That he would meet him precisely in his place.

"Zen, are you alright? I'm sorry for taking you here... Don't throw up on me, alright? "
A brunette boy with glasses shouldering his taller friend who seems to be... in a terrible motion sickness.

Zen can't even reply to anything as he trying so hard not to fall on the platform.


" Eh? Natsume-san! And Nyanko-sensei! "

"Hey there, grandson of Nurarihyon. "

Nyanko-sensei greeted him nonchalantly while ensuring they'd walk away from the station since it would be troubling if someone caught a talking cat.

While Zen can only growl as a reply. His face is as good as a dead person--or a Youkai.

" What's wrong with Zen? Did he get food poisoning? "
Natsume immediately came to help Rikuo, holding Zen. Of course, it was a huge help since Natsume's height was almost the same as Zen's.

Reluctantly, Zen gave up his body to Natsume and let him carry him by the shoulder to a nearby bench at a local bus station.

" No, no, he didn't eat anything bad. He's just always like this, you know, motion sickness? He's not always in the best condition though, but I'm sure he knows best of his condition. Also, don't worry too much; Zen is my sworn brother and the best medic in our clan. Zen is not that weak... just a bit under the weather oftentimes. "
Rikuo laughed, considerably trusting Zen and teasing him at the same time. Meanwhile, Zen shot a weak glare from the bench at the glasses boy.

" Ohh... I see. I think we should let him rest first to adjust himself then. "

"Yes, thank you, Natsume-san. "

"Don't think about it. "

He smiles.




" So... Where do you want to go after this? "

Natsume asked. It's actually his first time being a sort of tour guide for his friend. While in the other hand, Rikuo seems more natural than him. As if he's already planning his trip to this small town.

" Hmm... Where do you usually go, Natsume-san? "

Rikuo replied with another question.

" Ah... Well, aside from school, I usually like to stroll around the edge of the forest or... just go to Nanatsujiya since Sensei always begs about it. "

" Oh, I see. It almost sounds like you're taking Nyanko-sensei for a walk. "

" Ahaha, yes, you can say that. "

" Well then, I would like to go to the places that you often visit. Also... I don't mind if we encounter some Youkai along the way. "

Natsume was surprised with the last statement. Although Rikuo said it so confidently with a carefree smile.

" Don't worry about me, Natsume-san. I don't really wanna brag about it, but... I'm pretty strong, you know, hehe. "

"Just let him do what he wants, Natsume. No matter how wimpy he is, he is still a hanyo (halfling), with Nurarihyon's blood running in him. I'm pretty sure he's at least strong enough to be titled as the Third Head. "
Again, with the sarcastic tone of Nyanko.

"You pig-cat... Even Rikuo has me... By his side... To protect him..."
Suddenly, the sickly guy who's lying on the same bench as them voice out his thought. Even though it sounds pretty frail, he feels so much better than before.

" Zen! You're awake! "
Rikuo hugs him tightly, half feeling bad for forcing Zen to satisfy his selfish wish.

" Ugh... I appreciate the hug... B-but... Breath... Can't... Breath..."

" Wagh! O-oh... Yeah, sorry. "

Natsume is happy to see the Youkai Zen woke up. He knows about Zen circumstances from Rikuo.
"How do you feel, Zen? If you still feel--"

" Shut it, kid. I'm fine. "

Not that Natsume is a little bit sensitive about it, but he can tell that Zen is slightly giving him the cold shoulder more than everyone.

Pretending is the best thing Natsume could think of, and not that he can't do that as well--or should he say, he's used to it already. Therefore, Natsume would pretend that Natsume didn't realize Zen's behavior so that Natsume could act normally beside him.

Natsume knows how important Zen is to Rikuo, and Natsume understands if Zen doesn't like him being too careless around Rikuo. At least he can read the room that much after tempering his skill of fitting in society for years.

" Alright then, guys, since Zen already woke up and we both feel much better now, let's begin the trip, OK? "

Everyone was silent for a moment before they finally broke the ice with a smile and got up from their seat altogether.

The Book of Grandchildren ( Natsume Yuujinchou X Nurarihyon no Mago)Where stories live. Discover now