Coming to Sense

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" Ne ne, Natsume-kun, is that true, you will stay a night in here? "
The pale-blue haired youkai look at Natsume with his slightly sparkling eyes. Riou had to transformed himself to the normal human man size and dissolved his wings into spiritual form so that he can sit beside him and in case he want to interact with his body.

" Yes, Riou. I'll be back tomorrow evening though. "
Natsume smiled softly beside him, as Rikuo stand on the ground in front of them.

" Eh? Why so fast? Even though it's been so long since we have seen each other? "

" Umm... I've promised the people in house already. Sorry Riou. "

" Humm..."
Riou then give up on asking Natsume to stay longer at Nura Mansion. His shoulder slowly languid, giving Rikuo a little bit worrying smile at him.

Maybe Rikuo rarely seen Riou--not to mention his disappearence for years--but he knows that Gyuuki truly care for Riou and Nurarihyon had asked many times for Riou to join them in their olden days. Rikuo didn't know what's the reason behind his rejection, but for a youkai to turned down his grandfather's offering, Rikuo thought that there must be something really important for Riou behind his reason. And for that, Rikuo knows by heart, Riou is neither an ill-mannered youkai nor harmful to anyone. He's Rikuo friend as well.

" I didn't know you're close with Natsume-san, Riou. "
Rikuo stated.

" Hmm, he really helped me a big time before, back at my previous place. I stayed a night at his house too, we even shared a warm bath! Oh, and my previous place was pretty near his house apparently. He was really cool you know! He survived from my enraged underling youkai and not to mention how clever he is! He's just the bravest human I've ever met. "
Riou recounted his life-saving experience to Rikuo with a big grin that it completly shut his slightly-slanted eyes.

" Wah, really, Natsume-san? I thought you're a pretty peaceful guy. I guess you do beat around the bush sometimes, eh? "
Rikuo chuckled.

Natsume who's the main hero of Riou's so called live-saving story, couldn't helped it but to flustered a little as he tried to straightened the exggerated story Riou told.

" That's not how it looked at all. Riou was just listed in the Book of Friends, so that's why he lost half or more of his power. I just did what I promised to return all the names in here. After I simply returned the name, it's all Riou's power which released me from the youkai grip. "
Natsume explained rather bashful about it as he faced away from Rikuo and Riou.

" No...! That's how I saw it. Stop being so embarrased about it, Natsume-kun. "
Teased Riou as he stood up from his seat.

" H-huh? I'm not embarrased about it. "
Natsume frowned a little.

" Haha, he is though. If only Natsume-san can always be read that easily. "
Rikuo thought, laughing at the rare scene of Natsume being flustered about something.

But then suddenly the smile on his face and Natsume's frowning, they quickly turned into caution when they see Riou stepping back, since there's a glass pf water behind them. It's from Rikuo and Natsume conversation before.

" Riou, don't move! "
Rikuo warned. But even though Riou listened to him, the sudden warning made him flinched and the unbalanced body--without his wings--is on its way reaching the floor.

The Book of Grandchildren ( Natsume Yuujinchou X Nurarihyon no Mago)Where stories live. Discover now