3. You Remember Me..?

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Angela's POV

"Sweetie I need your help so can you come with me?", mom asked me after coming home while I was saying my good bye to Emily who just leave now.
" mom actually I'm so tired so I wanna  rest at home please?"I replied in a bored and tired tone.
"Okay honey if you don't wanna come. I will take Edward with me at Mrs smith place", she moved toward the Edi's room .
Wait what she is going to Mrs smith means she is going to Alex's place and what the hell with me I just refused to go. Who the hell don't want to see her crush.

      " wait mom! Actually Edi is not well so he went for sleeping in his room. So its better to not disturb him and if you need me I can go with you",I blurted out without any further thinking .

   "But you said that you are tired "

"Ammm yeah I was , but now I'm not mush tired and after taking quick shower I will be fresh".

   " okay then go and get ready quickly".

     "I will be back in ten minutes .just wait for me mom." I rush towards my room .

     I take a quick bath then hurriedly wear my black jeans with navy blue top and my dark brown leather jacket. Then I put some lip gloss and mascara

 Then I put some lip gloss and mascara

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"Mom I'm ready to go now.....mom!" I reached to her room and knocked it.

    "Sweetie! I'm just coming in two minutes".

   " mom! Hurry up".

     "Sweetie what is the problem with you firstly you said that you don't wanna go and now you can't wait to go. Seriously you have some mental disorder."finally mom came out of her room diagnosing me mental problem .
How I tell her its not mental disorder its something with heart.

     Finally mom start the car and I gave a sign of relieve .Mom have a car. I dont know about its model . May be it is cultus ,Honda or whatever.Actually I am not interested in car models and secondly driving is not allow to me until I turned 18 so who the hell cares what car it is but I think so its cultus dad told me ones.. This car is so special for us especially for mom because it belongs to dad.

  " By the way mom why are we going at their home"I asked her while we were on the way to their home."Mrs smith asked me to help her in arranging their home".My mom is expert in doing all this stuff ."Ahan!"

Ohh my God!he will be there and maybe he talked to me. What I'm going to say. Whenever , I saw him I became confuse .

        No not this time Miss Angel you have to be confident in front of him. He is not an alien . Just a common person. But this common person is my crush . Ahhh I have to be confident that's it.

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