6. Feelings

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Above is the picture of Alex and her sister Talia.

Three Months later

Angel's POV

Dear diary!its been three months of our friendship I mean mine and Alex's friendship. We are doing well right now. He is good friend of mine and I hope so he thinks the same. May be one day we will be best friends. Further I don't know what gonna happens. Literally I'm not understanding my feelings for him. The attraction for him never became less even its becoming more strong day by day. Whatever it is I don't want to think about this. But I don't know how to stop my thinking about him. It's just new for me.

Sometimes its feel like only I'm putting my all efforts in this friendship. Like I'm always the one who texts him first. Sometimes its look like I'm irritating him. We don't spend much time together like friends outings and all. But other part of my mind also told me that he is not irritated he is just busy in studies all the times. Sometimes it makes me feel disgusting that how can someone like him can study all the time. Boys like him like partying ,gaming etc but I see him always with his damn books.

I I told an artist that I knew a guy whose nose is always stick with his books and how much boring he is ,they will sketch him like ordinary looking clumpsy boy with his big specs. However he is so damn charming ,handsome and cute who made me his admirer.

Not only his visible charms but also his beautiful heart made me to like him so much. He is knight in shining armour for me . Its not like I fall intensionally everytime . Its just happens with me. And the best part is he is always the one to catch me. He also laughed at me saying "wow I became a supar hero for Miss Clumsy".Now whenever I'm in such a condition of falling my heart naturally says he will be there to catch you. He is also very humorous making us laugh at lunch time when I forcefully put his books a side. He is kind to everyone not like popular boys who bullied other student .

One thing he do other than studying is playing basketball . I was shocked when I first watched him playing basketball . Then I thanked God that he has something to do other than studying.

Girl this is your diary not essay on 'My Crush'.

Enough about my crush. Now about my life... So ummm I doing well at school and my job is also going well . I'm saving money instead of wasting it for using it when needed. My only hectic is maths. I'm trying to find a tutor. But I don't know how will I manage my time... This part of life sucks. But I'm not the one to give up. I will try my best in every field of my life. But for now I really need sleep because I have a school tomorrow.

I closed my diary and put it in my back pack . And went to my dreamy world .

Alex's POV

"Hey young man how's your school going",mom asked me while we were all finishing our dinner.

" yeah its going well",I replied honestly.

"Yeah I know how well bro. Finally he have a girlfriend ", my sister winked at me.

" what the _ _!?"I choked water out of my mouth.

"Son no swearing!", my mom glared at me.

"Mom its nothing like that okay. You both knew me well. In my life there is no space for such relationships and feelings at all. And you my little sister it will be better for you focus on your study instead of pulling my leg you little brat.I hope I have clear it all. Now I'm going to my room. Have a goodnight everyone. And mom tell dad he again miss family time", I finished talking after making my points clear. And I can see from their expressions that they understands it well.

I leaned down on my bed and thing about our shifting, school and all. Actually shifting became normal thing to me thanks to my dad's job. I just made my mind that it will happen sooner or later. That's why I never made friends at previous schools. I actually like my own company. And why made friends who are temporary. And it also causes distraction in my aim. But here I made friends . Actually it was never my intention to became friend with Angel but it just happens ,making me a part of her friend circle. And its going well. Firstly,it was weird to be a part of her group but then i became familiar. Actually more weird thing is that I have really good friends now.
But my main point of focus is my study so that I can achieved whatever I want. I don't understand why teenage girls and boys are wasting their precious time in temporary relationships. I don't believe in any of this. May be people think I'm weird or something. But think about it for now if they waste their time with their dates ,giving them surprises ,long night talks and blah blah then in future they will be empty hands. Then they will thought about how much time they had wasted. In such cases no one will be there for them. Their partner will be the first to left them because in today's world feelings like love don't exist only money exist.

I'm not all alone type person I have beautiful family especially my mom who is like my best friend which is enough for me. My father in a busy man but I understand it. He have to work hard to support his family. How can I forget about my sister she is the best example of teenage brat. She gets what she want. Love of family is enough for me and I don't believe in any other kind of love and whatever those feelings are.

Emily's POV

God this is so unfair to me. Firstly I thought my crush for him is all one sided thing so it was okay for me.. Then eventually from nowhere he kissed me that day and I stood still there trying to understand what was happening. And when I understand his lips were not anymore on mine. I looked at him blankly and ran away from there like idiot.

And after that day he is just ignoring me like nothing happened. This is so bad. Whenever I went there he ran away like I was some kind of ghost or I have some contagious disease. It really hurts.

Why he is behaving like this after kissing me. May be he is guilty for it or may be he is angry at me because I don't kiss him back and ran away.

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