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Carmen's POV

I didn't get very far before I was caught and beaten for running. I just couldn't face Curtis. Soon, they left me alone. The pain from my bruises had stopped and a new pain began. I screamed and writhed on the ground. We're shifting. Maia said. I was confused. I first shifted when I was 14. Why does it hurt even worse this time? I felt my bones reshaping themselves and fur began to grow. It was not my normal brown, but pure white.

So I went through the pain of shifting, alone again. Once I had, I stood up and went for a run. Ahhh, much better. Maia said. I was enjoying the breeze when I heard a growl behind me. I turned and saw a gang of wolves, being lead by Curtis himself. Well well, Omega. You got a nice new coat. He jeered. I tried to run but I was cornered. This was just like the last time. When I was almost beaten to death.

Curtis's large wolf towered over my small, half grown one. He brought his claws across my front right leg as deep as he could. I tried to back up but couldn't. I tried to move my leg back but it wouldn't obey me. I shifted back to human form and grabbed a shirt from a nearby basket of clothes. My right arm was bleeding and it wouldn't respond when I tried to move my fingers.

The others closed in on me and I was given the worst beating of them all. I was left in the forest, barely breathing. I closed my eyes and passed out.


I woke up in the infirmary and I was scared I would get beaten again. I cowered to the furthest corner of my bed that I could. "Easy, Omega." Morgan, the pack doctor, told me. I was shaking with fear. "Omega, you need surgery. The nerves in your arm were wrecked but I think I can repair them. Will you let me?" I nodded weakly and closed my eyes as I was wheeled to the operating room.

Pack members spit on me and jeered as I went past. I couldn't hold on and passed out once more.


I woke up a second time a day later and my arm was almost completely functional. It had long scars down the length of the forearm and I knew those would be there forever. I felt fine and I jumped out of bed and went downstairs to make them all breakfast. Plate after plate after plate went out.

I served the high rankers first and avoided making eye contact with Curtis. I ran around, mopping and watering plants and restocking clothes baskets and polishing things. At noon after I made lunch, I went to my "room" with its tiny bathroom and my makeshift bed. My "bed" was some burlap sacks sewn together to make a mattress and a threadbare pillow and blanket. I sighed with relief as I laid down and fell asleep.

I woke up when it was time to feed them and was cornered by Curtis in the kitchen. "Y-y-y-yes A-a-alpha?" I stuttered. I couldn't look up, I just couldn't. "I, Curtis Grant, Alpha of the Star Moon pack, restrict you, Carmen Dodge, from shifting until I revoke this order." He said. I felt a slight constricting pain but otherwise showed no sign of it. I heard him leave and I went back to cooking.

I was whipped that night with a silver whip for not looking up at the Alpha when he spoke. I cried silent tears and went to find my closest friend, the knife.


To make things clear, I'm not trying to offend anyone with my words. If I have, I personally apologize.


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The Fallen Omega - Book 2 of the Moore to Dodge seriesWhere stories live. Discover now