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Castile walked to the receptionist and gave her name. The girl behind the counter smiled, provided her the visitor’s ID before confirming the floor to where she needed to get to. She smiled back and thanked the girl. When she got to the floor, she was ushered directly to the CEO’s office by the secretary.

‘Thank you for coming, Ms. Lichtenberg.’ The company lawyer greeted her. She shake his hands firmly as a reply then turns to the CEO and do the same.

‘Please take a seat.’ The CEO offers which she accepted.  She positions herself across from the lawyer.

‘What does my presence required here if I may ask?’ She was straight to the point knowing that time is of essence.

‘We need your help to get someone to cooperate with us.’ The CEO fidgeted in his seat as he nodded to the lawyer.

‘Sean, I have better things to do. Get to the point.’ She frankly stated while looking at both of them.

‘We need you to make Donovan’s son accept the position.’ Sean said which made her confused.

Why does she have to do it when she doesn’t know who Donovan’s son is? She gave in and ask the question lingering on her mind. ‘Why don’t you ask him yourself?’

‘He doesn’t want to talk to me.’ Donovan shook his head and confirmed what she has been thinking.

‘Why me? I don’t even know who he is.’

‘Because we just found out that you are the girl he’s been  following around.’ Sean deadpanned.


‘You know Logan right?’

‘Yeah…’ Her mind suddenly pieces it together. Donovan’s last name is King. So is Logan. He mentioned he and his dad had a falling out years ago and not on speaking terms now. ‘Oh shit!’ She didn’t realize the reality of the situation. She failed to remember one small detail. Logan is the son of the König CEO and she just now remembered it. Being with her bluish grey-eyed King made her forget things it seemed a far-fetched idea.

‘Well can you help us?’

‘I find it questionable that you are trying to use me to get him to agree to take the position now. There is more to this than what you’re saying.’ The facial expression on both men confirms her suspicion.

‘Observant, are you not?’ Donovan pointed out.

‘I should be. So mind telling me what this is all about?’ The air changed from tranquil to unbalanced peace. She realized there is more to this request than she initially anticipated. She also knew that they won’t call her in if it is just for that reason.

‘If we tell you, are you going to help us?’ Donovan asked as if baiting her.

‘Depends on the validity of your reason.’ She shrugged.

‘Alright. But promise us that whatever words come out of our mouth stays inside this office.’

‘You know me. I don’t kiss and tell.’

‘Fine. Let’s start from the beginning.’ Donovan answered and everything that was uttered that day stayed within the four-cornered wall of König Corp.


Hey Luv. How are you? Castile messaged Logan that morning. He is at his office signing documents when he got her text.

I’m good. How are you today?

Pretty bored.  Are you free tonight? She asked.

What’s the plan? He texted back.

It’s Friday and Borealis is having a wild party. Wanna hit the club? She seem really bored and wanted to go out. They last met with each other when they went to skydive and only communicated via texts or calls. He stare at his phone thinking what to answer when he glances upon the frame in front of him. Luc already called him whipped when he saw Castile’s photo. She doesn’t even know that he printed a copy from when they took a shot before jumping out of the plane. He didn’t mind it one bit. He chewed on hip cheek before typing in his answer.

Sure. It’s been a while since I went to one.

Great! What time do you prefer? I’m not sure if you are busy but if you are, it’s fine not to go.

No worries. I’m all done with work. I’ll pick you up at 9. How’s that?

Sure thing. Bring Luc and Ciel.

I’ll ask them.

See you later, Luv.

See you, Queen.

Logan phoned his cousins and asked them if they wanted to join later and but both had other stuffs to do. He called Castile to let her know and she said its fine with just the two of them. He’s checking his emails when his phone rings. Seeing who is calling him, he debated if he will answer or not. Well, better get this over with now than later. He told himself before pressing the green button.

What?’ He answered gruffly.

‘Son, is that the way to speak to your father?’ His father asked gently as if trying to not anger him. His heart melted just a bit upon hearing his voice.

‘You haven’t been my father for years. I don’t see any reason to start treating you one.’ His words seemed harsh but his voice toned down. He knows he acted unforgiving but with everything that happened between them, he does not know how to act with him anymore. They have fallen out too deep he do not know if he can climb back.

‘Logan, please. It has been years. I’m trying to make it up to you.’ Donovan pleaded. He may be mad at his father but still, he wanted to be in his favor. Only because he still love him after all these years. Whatever the case may be, he is still his father.

He gave out a sigh before asking, ‘What do you need?’

He heard his father exhaled on the other line. ‘We have a Gala on Sunday. I was hoping that you could come. Just feel the vibe of the event. Every one still waits for you to take your position.’

‘That is not mine. I don’t want it.’ He scowl while staring at his desk as Donovan spoke. He doesn’t need König. It was the reason his father wasn’t there for him. He hated that business.

‘I know but can you do it just this time? The board really wanted to see you. I already told them your decision but they need to hear it straight from you.’ Donovan’s voice sounded close to begging. His father never beg and he knows it is hard for him to do so. It made his decision.

‘Fine. What time?’

‘Thank you. It starts at 8pm. You can bring a date if you want.’ Donovan breathed sounding more at ease from the tension between them. He thought of Castile when his father said the date. He bid bye and hang up the phone.

Will he ask her to go with him? Is it even worth his time to go there? Does he want to go there? Better now than later, he thought. All he needed to do is ask Castile if she wanted to come with him.

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