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Two hours later, Logan stormed out of the room fuming at her while Donovan and Sean stare at her in slack jawed. She cannot blame them. They wanted a part on this but their safety is her priority. She wanted them out of the area by morning but they declined and insisted on staying with her.

‘You know very well that he will not allow you to go there alone.’ Daemon told her.

‘I know that. But this is not their fight. Besides, what can they do?’ She shrug off her shoulders before facing the older men. ‘No offense Don, Sean, but both of you are more precious to the Council to be in any danger. I have enough knowledge on how this will go. I need to make sure my second-in-line will be safe in case something goes wrong.’

‘We understand that but it doesn’t mean that we are okay with it. You are also very important to us, not because you are the head of the Council but because you are family. And we protect our own.’ Donovan spoke solemnly and hug her. She was touched by his words. It had been years since she last felt how it is to have a father. Logan should be honored.

‘You are my family and I will do everything to protect you.’ She said with a hoarse speech. She had her emotions in check before speaking again. ‘But let’s all face it. You are no good with this kind of operation. You will only hinder us more than help us.’

‘As much as I want to agree with you Donovan, Castile is correct. She knows how to handle herself more than anyone here. She can defend herself very well. Our heir is not just a woman, she is also a soldier.’ Maritza deadpan.

‘I’ve heard of her being a soldier but I still don’t understand that. What do you mean?’ Sean frown in question.

Maritza sat up straight and stare at the men in the eye before she begin explaining. ‘When she became my charge, she wanted to know how to defend herself so I signed her up to training. I put Maurice to be her mentor who in turn became her best friend and brother. She stayed in the base and learned everything there is to know about defense and fighting. That was when she decided to become a soldier. As I have told you about her, she moved up ranks like a it's walkover.’ She beheld Castile who is standing near the window with a faraway look. Returning her gaze back to the men she continued. ‘After resigning to CIA, she went with me and requested to be part of my private agency. Ten years and she is still one of the best agents the Bureau has. You didn’t even found out that she and Quinn are one and the same. That is how good she is.’ She smiled at the memory. ‘She spearheaded our Tactical Espionage division in the agency. I would say trust her plans. She knows what she is doing.’

‘Are you telling us that you took her away, taught her to become a soldier and gave her a position in your agency when we all know the reason we send her to you is for you to protect her? What will happen if she got injured from all her previous excursions?’ It was Donovan who spoke not being able to contain his worry. Castile stare at him sternly while waiting for his anxiety to dissipate.

‘I have my team with me. They will do everything to protect me as their captain. Besides, I’m still very much alive now.’ She mentioned looking proud of her pack. She was an authoritarian but an unbiased leader. Her team loved that about her and she knows in her heart that they will take a bullet for each other.

‘That doesn’t change the fact that Maritza should have been the one to keep you from any danger and not push you into one.’

‘I was the one who insisted on being a part of her team. We got into fights on more than one occasion before she agreed. I have always been rebellious and we all know that if she didn’t agree to my ideas, I would have escaped her and went on my own. That would have gotten me killed.’ She mocked. ‘Moreover, I love who I became. This is me. Accept it or get out.’

‘Alright, we understand you but we are just worried for you.’

‘I know. And I’m sorry. Now let’s get down to business. The three of you will go with Daemon to a safe house away from here. No communication or anything. I need to make sure nobody will be able to take you. Daemon, they are your responsibility. I know you won’t disappoint me.’

‘Of course. They will be safe with me.’ Daemon obeyed knowing that Castile is set on her plan and she will be pissed if it gets interrupted.

‘Good.’ Her first smile for the day showed. Daemon returned the smile back at her before she ask again. ‘Maritza, what is the status of Wölfe?’

‘Up and ready at your command.’

‘What about the Militärische Verteidigung Leiter? Daemon?’

‘CIA handed this case over to Interpol. It’s not on their scope according to the Chief. He knows how much you have planned for this so he called Interpol to get them to take over this case. He also mentioned that Interpol is only after Seymour but are postponing their operation for us. KGB accepted our offer to deliver Sergey once we are done interrogating him. MI6 backed off the hunt saying that they had to focus on their other operations. With that being said, we now have full power over this.’ Daemon playfully mock her.

‘Hmmm… I think they only did that because of me.’

‘Wouldn’t you know?’ The raised brow from Maurice borders from amusement to indignation. She wanted to laugh upon seeing his expression.

‘But this is better than expected. Maurice, you are to be my communicator with the Military Defense Chiefs. Report the status of the operation to them as well as to Daemon and the boys. We commence in 0900 hours. That would be all. The rooms are upstairs. Get some sleep, we all need it.’ Castile ended the meeting before heading out of the room.

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