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‘How is my lovely Sunshine?’ The man ask Castile wearing his Cheshire cat smile.

‘What the hell are you doing here, Arthur?’ She scowl at him.

‘Language, Castile.’ Sean reprimanded.

‘Don’t care.’ She rudely answer before turning to the newcomer. ‘Again, why are you here?’

‘I’m invited. So what is my Sunshine doing here with Mr. Lawyer?’ Arthur dismissively ask them.

‘I am not your Sunshine and it is none of your goddamn business.’ Castile glares at Arthur who in turn looks flippant.

‘If by business you mean our company, I think I should be well aware of it.’

‘I should have known Donovan will let you in here. Can’t you like stay away from me right now? I don’t want to be associated with you.’ She raise her hand to shoo him away but he caught her arm and tuck it in his. She glare back at him. Sean watch them amused at their banter. He didn’t know that Arthur is acquainted with Castile.

‘Is that the reason or are you worried your precious Logan will think something bad about us?’ He heard Arthur ask Castile before searching the crowd for their topic.

‘What do you mean?’ She ask unknowingly.

‘Look.’ Arthur tip his head over their shoulder.

Sean and Castile turn around and saw Logan striding towards them with a glare. His eyes fixed on Arthur. He stop in front of the man and glower at him with annoyance. He looked hostile enough to hit Arthur but is trying his best to contain his rage.

‘What are you doing here, Arthur?’ He demanded.

‘I feel the love. Why are all of you asking? Does my presence bother you?’ Arthur jested not knowing the anger building up from his insides. He clenched his fist so as not to punch him.

‘Your face bothers me.’ He heard Castile muttered before  he spit out. ‘You bother me.’

‘Woah, hostile much? I don’t know why both of you hates me.’

‘You know why, you moron.’ Castile snapped at him.

‘Don’t be a nuisance. And get lost.’ He edged in. His eyes  narrowed as he stare at the other man.

‘I’m not here for you, Logan. But for her.’ Arthur smirked and pointed to Castile.

‘Why?’ He questioned with irritation in his voice. He doesn’t like how Arthur seemed to know Castile more than him.

Arthur raised his brow when he answered. ‘Because I wanted to see her.’

‘Shut up, Arthur!’ Castile snarled at him.

‘Oh! You don’t want your lover boy here know about us, do you?’

‘What do you mean?’ He frowned at Arthur’s words.

‘My Sunshine here was my girlfriend before she left me.’

‘I am not your sunshine nor your girlfriend, and neither did I do that to you. We’re friends, nothing more.’ Castile looked like she wanted to punch Arthur at the moment but pulling back because it will only cause a commotion. Her eyes though are like daggers as she tried hard to tame her anger.

‘But I just said you are my girlfriend.’ Arthur teased not understanding the tension he built up.

‘I don’t want you to be mine.’ Castile growled as she took  a step. Her hands grabbed Arthur’s tie as she pull him closer to her. Their faces inches from each other.

‘But I want to.’ Arthur whispered at her. His mocking face  dropping into a nervous one. To others, it seems like she is grinning at him but the men surrounding her knew better.

Castile gave him a smile that can freeze Hell over with her eyes burning with fiery coldness. Sean and Arthur now looked scared shitless and if he wasn’t as scared stiff as they are, he would have laughed at their faces. ‘I am not a want. I am neither a need. I am me and I own myself. Get that through your head, bastard. Otherwise, you will see how I can be when I start to get back at you.’ She release her hands and fix his tie like the sweet girl she pretended to be but her next words came out as a warning. ‘If you really wanted to play with fire, be ready to get burned. Because I scorch everything when I have fun. Get it?’

Arthur nodded his head repeatedly before subconsciously stepping back away from her. Sean felt cold sweat running down his back as he watch them from his position.

He, on the other hand, glare at Castile when he realize what she said. ‘What is he talking about, Castile?’

She stare back at him with ire-filled eyes but her voice turned a bit soft. ‘This is not the right time. We’ll talk later, Logan.’

‘So you think this is not important? You lied to me.’ Logan spat then pursed his lips. His anger getting the better of him.

Her eyes narrowed before sneering at him. ‘I didn’t lie to you or anyone. We’re not a couple. You said it yourself. So you don’t have any right to get mad at me for not telling you anything.’

His anger diminished at her words. He realized it later and told her in a low tone. ‘You could have said something about your life before.’

She said it mild yet biting. ‘I don’t have to tell you anything.’ Then she look him straight in the eye. ‘You don’t know who I am.’

The tension was broken when they heard the host announcing the latest project of König. Logan looked away with hostility in his face and dashed towards the exit. Sean nodded to one of their guards with silent orders to follow the younger man. Arthur looked confused at what just transpired. Castile heaved a sigh before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. When she opened it, her face showed nothing but an aristocratic mask of absolute dominance.

The face fit for a queen.

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