Is that Jennifer?

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Chapter 2

Ava Johnson ❇

We get into the *new house* and holy fucking Fiji water it's huge. I literally just stood there speechless ,up until my idiot brother Austin jumped on top of me yelling "Fire in the hole!" A high pitched squeal escapes my lips as I fell onto the floor with my stomach, I swear I heard something break."Owwww, that really hurt!" I mumble under my breath.

"Aww, little Ava is hurt ,should I kiss your little booboo?" He says in an effortless motherly voice.

This is exactly what I have to go through everyday. I can't wait for him to grown up.

A few seconds go by and he's still on top of me, Alex gets in the house and asks my mother if the house has a fire extinguisher, he probably heard Austin saying fire in the hole."No there is no need for a fire extinguisher, because there is no fire, and Austin please get off your sister!" Mother demands "And go get your stuff in the car." she adds.

After what it felt like forever the douchebag gets off of me. And we walked out taking some stuff from my mom's silver Fortuner. Then my eyes meet someone else's. A girl that looks about my age that's staring at me, I can't really see her face though. Why is she staring at me? Am I that ugly?

She is wearing a pair of black leggings, a screaming orange sweater that's way too big for her and she has bright blond hair. I'm guessing that she's looking at Mister 'fire in the hole' here next to me, obviously since he's so hard to resist.

"Are you gonna help me carry these or are you just gunna day dream, or whatever you're doing." Austin asks as his face is almost red from the seven hundred bags he's holding, and I insist by taking only two light bags from the heap he's holding, it's payback time.

But as I look forward ,the girl is still staring at me and it's starting to creep me, but she does something I thought I'd never see from a total stranger.

The weird staring girl is calling me over, as polite as I am ,I smile and start walking towards her and as I get closer and closer her bright blond hair starts changing into a brownish golden color."Is this Witchcraft or what?" I mumble quietly to myself.

When I finally reach their porch, her wild hazel brown eyes greet me back they look like Austin's eyes, and her hair is wavy and curly, I'm guessing she's mixed race.

She smiles back at me and my gosh she has dimples and her teeth are brighter than my future ,oh lord. She gasps and holds her mouth with her left hand , almost like she's surprised and she starts saying....

"Criss cross applesauce, spiders walking in your hair, one over here and one over there..." And then I realize who was standing in front of me. I dropped the bags that I was carrying in my hands and inhaled sharply.

"Jennifer?" I ask confused and she nods her head, not even waiting for response, I pull her in to a tight hug. "Oh my gosh, where were you my Ying?" She says almost out of air

"I don't know, but where have you been Yang?"

Ying and Yang are codenames we gave each other when we were still young, it had something to do with the karate lessons we took and how the both of us made chaos wherever we went. "No hey, I was with the president." She flatters sarcastically. Jennifer is hot and beautiful now, and that makes me soo jealous. Not that she was ugly before but, she used to be a little know... But anyway my kindergarten best friend is back baby. "You are too skinny, imma pump food in you later." We said in unison.

Not only was this creepy but it was super funny as well. We laughed at one another, until the joke died.

She looks at me with a graceful face and says..."Wait until my mom sees you, where the fuck were you bitch? After all those years." And she grabs my hand and drags me into the house.

Yes Ava, where were you? My mind asked in a demonic way.

I think I'm having a Deja Vu moment, after she dragged me inside I realized that I left the bags outside and those were LOUIS VUITTON . The house is gorgeous and the colors are so inviting. "Mom! look who's here!" She shouts ,and a lady that looks similar to Jennifer stands mouth agape in her kitchen and stares at me with her big brown beetle eyes.

"Ava?" She asks and she runs over to me to give me a great big hug.

"You've grown up so fast, and you're so beautiful.Where is your mom?"  She asked.

(I don't know maybe she's in your closet)

"My mom, well she's next door we have just moved in today, how crazy is that? I've missed you too Cate." I whispered. 

Jennifer's mother's name is Cate, you guys were probably expecting a name like Britney or Deborah or maybe Nicole , nah it's Cate.

Not even waiting for anything else, she storms out of her house and I think she's rushing to her long seen best friend too. The reunion vibe tho

After she's out of the house, Jennifer looked at me in some smug poker face and she goes to the fridge, grabs some sort of gummybear package and grabs my arm and I guess she's leading me to her room.

I was right. She shoves me into her room and locks the door, this girl is crazy. I wonder what she's up to anyway? This feels just right I can't wait to catch up.

Jennifer!New character unlocked...
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