I'll see you on Friday then.

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Chapter 23

❇Ava Johnson❇

Uh Oh.

"Excuse me?" Jack asked, but did that stop Austin from attacking him? I guess not because he had already tackled him to the floor and had picked him up with his clothes.

"How does it feel to be useless now?" Austin asked.

"Dude what are you talking about? Ava tell him." Jack asked while trying to get out of Austin's grip.

Oh yeah, I must do something. Uh, but what? I'm too soft hearted to see someone suffer.

"Austin let him go, he was about to explain himself and also apologize too." I said walking towards them and pushed Austin off of Jack.

There are just way too much fights today, and they all involve Jack.

"The hell dude, next time you think of breaking my sister's heart you'll end up going home with a broken leg and arm." Austin spat out. I've never seen him this overprotective before.

"It wasn't my intention to do so. If you would just listen Ava." Jack said looking at me in a restless expression. I nodded. "But in private please." He said putting his hands in his pockets.

I looked at Austin to understand the situation I was in and he nodded. "We'll talk at the sibling tag thing." Austin reassured and left Jack and I to talk.

"Zelda and I aren't really dating, you see she kinda blackmailed me into dating her because she knows things about me that I don't want to mention right now. She said that if I don't date her, she will tell everyone about the thing and boy will it ruin me. So I'm really sorry if you saw us kiss earlier on, I don't even like her, the kiss never meant anything." He explained.

Wow, this is alot.

"Alright, I'm sorry that I over exaggerated." I laughed.

"It's not just you, Cody too. I'm glad that you know now. What a relief." He said breathing out.

This was getting awkward now. "Uh, a hug maybe?" He asked. Is that even a question?

"Sure." I said and hugged him.

This was so comfortable, the way he smells, his heartbeat even his warmth that I could just sink in on. "What are you doing?"

Urgh, are you kidding me!!!!!!!! We broke the hug, and I turned around to face Zelda.

"What are you doing?" I copied her in a childish voice. "What does it look like we're doing?" I asked her, walking right past her to get to the cafeteria. "Good luck." I said as I entered.

I am also quite relieved that Jack doesn't share the same feelings with that whore. And now my smile is back baby.

I walked over to my table where my bestfriends sat with what it looks like Shawn? I thought he wasn't at school today.

Guess I was wrong. "Hey Shawn." I greeted and sat down. Shawn smiled at me. "Okay uhm, I'm going to go as well. See you all later?" Shawn asked and without hearing our responses, he grabbed his bag and left.

"What is it with them leaving so early." I asked.

Cheyenne just looked at me and went back to doing some thing on her phone. "Jen?" I asked, she didn't look at me.

"Come on guys, you know that I can tell if you're hiding things from me." I pointed out.

"But we're not. Is there something you are not telling us?" Jennifer asked. What the heck is their problem, why are they acting like this? "Excuse me?" I chuckled back.

"I really don't have time for this, I'm leaving." Cheyenne said and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Jennifer what is happening? Why is everyone leaving." I asked and she shrugged. She shook her head a few times and called someone. She was speaking softly and later started packing away her things.

"Not you too!" I groaned. "See you this afternoon, I have to go. Love you." Jennifer pouted and out she went.

Fuck this fucking shitty fucking day! It's better if I just go as well. But the only thing that was stopping me was the sibling thing. If I don't show up, then I get expelled. Could this day get any worse?

I was about to go to my next class until Jack stopped me. "Uhm, Vanilla since your mom is coming back on Wednesday and she has to meet my mom on Friday. I was wondering if we could do something fun on the same day, yeah?" He asked.

"Like a date?" I blurted out. Holy cow manure spreader, did I just ask that? Oh hell.

"I mean, if, I, you fuck." I tried explaining, but I seem to not know what I'm saying. It's like the brain part responsible for speaking was paralyzed.

"Well, yeah like a date if it makes you happy I guess." He told me and shrugged. I nodded.

"What about Zelda, your 'girlfriend'?" I breathed out, quoting girlfriend. "Don't worry about her, it's only for when we are in school that I have to pretend." He explained. Hey would he know about... "What is wrong with everyone leaving early today?" I asked. His face was pulled into a neutral expression now.

"You're asking the wrong person."

"Oh, well I have to go. I have Science now." I told, trying to sneak away from him. I don't want any of Zelda's minions spotting me and making drama.

"Yeah, I have Business studies and well, I guess I'll see you on Friday then because I'm not coming to school this whole week." He said.

I didn't wanna seem nosey about his business, so I just held my tongue to not ask anymore questions.

"Cool, I'll see you on Friday." I said and walked to science class.

I'm going on a date with Jack. I'm going on a date with Jack. How the hell did that happen? Finally the Universe is not being a bitch, never thought that I'd see this day come.

Now why are all my friends leaving school?

I'm about to fucking find out I think.


FunFact: Jack's surname was supposed to be Espinoza, but I
                 changed it because I thought that Ryder would sound
                 more cheesy. Imagine ∆∆∆Jack Espinoza??? That's just

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