And it had to be you...

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Chapter 27

Ava Johnson

''What the hell are you doing here?'' He whispered harshly pulling Jen and I into the bush in a not so gentle way.

''Nice slippers.'' I commented then he examined me, looking up and down which made me slightly uncomfortable. ''Nice pajamas.''

I looked down at what I was wearing. My red polka dot Minnie mouse shirt with it's matching shorts, some seventeen year old I am. Someone let out a groan behind his tall structure and as I looked behind him an irritated looking Cody stood there. Oh boy here we go.

''Aren't you guys supposed to be having your beauty sleep or whatever it is you girls do these days?'' Cody scolded irritation being audible in his words.

''Beauty sleep or no beauty sleep, it won't make a difference. They'll stay ugly as always.'' Jack grinned.

''Hey, that's not nice.'' I pouted slapping his arm and he shook his head. ''It's the truth.'' And just like that he picked his binoculars up and went back to spying on Austin and them .

''Hey at least we're not wearing bright pink fluffy slippers.'' Jen retorted from beside me folding her arms over her chest, giving Jack one of her scary expressions. ''Great, you're also here.'' Cody sighed looking coldly at Jen.

I rolled my eyes. The four of us were inside a bush and aimlessly staring at each other. If I should describe the atmosphere I'd say that it's pretty Awkward.

''Wait a minute. What are you guys doing here anyway?'' Jack asked folding his arms over his chest. Wow this bush is really big, how come I haven't seen it before. ''Something.'' I answered not really knowing what to say. Jack gave me a questioning look.

''What? Okay fine, we're spying on Austin. Well something like that because I just really want to know why he's wearing a mask in the first place.'' I finally said while rolling my eyes. "Oh that's weird, I never thought that Austin would -." He answered blinking furiously. He stopped himself from talking.

"Why are you guys here? And also in a bush even." Jen asked shortening her eyes. They both never met our gazes and fiddled around with the hem of their shirts. They are hiding something, just great. I thought to myself as Jack decided to make eye contact with me once more.

I tried reading them but he shut them and walked closer to me. My breathing got a little bit unstable. He looked down at my small structure and then licked his lips. He pushed himself on to me and brought his head down to my neck. Breathing on it, he purposely brushed his lips onto my neck sending shivers up my spine.

And my mind is repeatedly hollering shit.

His lips went straight to my ear and it lingered there. "Vanilla, you can't tell anyone about this and even Austin can't know that you were here. So listen to me, you shall never tell anyone that we were here on this day. And what they're doing in there nobody knows alright?" He whispered hoarsly.

I nodded quickly looking at Cody, he wore a deep smug on his dimmed face. And all I can say is that Jack was lying. He knows something. But I guess we'll never know because whatever he'll keep on telling me would be lies.

"Alright you two, get a room por favor (please)." Cody said pulling Jack away from me. We all rolled our eyes at him. "It's not like we're having sex or anything, geez!" I said.

"Yeah at least not yet." Jack smirked nudging me. Ewww! "I wouldn't mind watching the both of you. Besides, I don't think that there's much to see when it comes to Jack here." Jennifer joked, and I couldn't help but laugh at her insult. "Trust me babe there's a whole lot to see." Jack winked at Jen pointing his index fingers down to his crotch. This is getting too much.

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