I think we can establish that the plot is all over the place and I'm a crappy writer anywayyyy


Stellar looked at the space where Gerard had just been next to her and then down below to the water, blinking rapidly while at the same time trying to comprehend what the hell just happened. She could hear Gerard laughing over the waves, expressing just how drunk he must've been, considering he couldn't swim. Her eyes widened. He couldn't swim! She dumped her phone next to her and searched for him down below.

"Gee! Are you okay?!" She yelled.

A few moments later his voice drifted back to her. "Yeahhh!" Her eyebrows furrowed for a moment, he really must be out of it. "I thought you said you can't swim!"

It was silent for a couple seconds before his voice cracked slightly. "I-i-cant swim. Jesus Christ I CANT FUCKING SWIM!" She could immediately hear the panic In his voice as he began thrashing around in the water. "Shit." She muttered. It looked like she'd have to jump in after him. So she did just that, landing with a splash more or less a meter from him. She could immediately feel her clothes and hair soak, dragging her down slightly and the fact that she was wearing shoes didn't make it any easier to kick towards him, but she made it to him none the less, careful not to get in such a position that he could jump on her back like people tend to do when panicking in deep water. He calmed down slightly when he saw her, eyes wide and scared still, body barely keeping afloat. "Okay gee. This is probably not the best place for swimming lessons but your gonna have to try help me somehow get back to shore,"


"Okay so have you ever seen a dog swim?" He nodded worriedly, struggling to keep afloat. "Right, now I just need you to swim like a dog gee. Doggy paddle. It's easy, just put your arms in front of you, paddle, and kick. Keep your head above the water. Like this, see?" She did a quick circle around him to demonstrate. He nodded again uncertainly. It wasn't that far to the beach, maybe a hundred meters or so, give or take. Yet the water here was moderately deep, easy for her but alot harder for a person with little to no swimming skills. She pulled him slightly away from the wooden supports holding the pier up, guiding him slowly toward the next pole and so on, even if it was slow. By now both their teeth were chattering as the cold of the November wind and water seeped into their bones and soaked their clothing. If they didn't die of hypothermia tonight, she might just kill Gerard herself for getting her in this mess.


The door of the tour bus slammed open at four am that morning, awaking the whole band. Mikey and Ray jumped out of bed, followed by a grumpy Frank, all to see what was happening. Their sleepy eyes widened as the door slammed shut again, revealing a very wet Gerard and Stellar, who began stripping off their soaked garments. Mikey raised an eyebrow curiously while frank scratched his head and wandered back to the bunks. "As much as I'd be up for a strip show, its four AM guys. Four. "

Mikey shook his head and followed him, leaving Ray alone with them. "Mind telling me why you're covered in water, in the middle of the night, in the middle of winter?" Ray sighed.

"Gerard decided it'd be a great night to have a midnight swim."

Ray looked at her dully. "But he can't even swim,"


Gerard avoided their gazes as he made to go and leave them to it. "I'm goin' for a shower. " Stellar ran past him, pushing past him to get to the door. "Nah-uh Mister. You made me get in there, I get first dibs. And I'm stealing your skeleton onesie asswipe."

She dissapeared and left Gerard and Ray together. "Gerard, bro–" Gerard cut him off immediately. "Don't, even say it. I know what your thinking and your wrong."

Ray took a seat next to him as he held his head in his hands . "Am I though? You've been hitting it hard lately man. And you falling into water during that doesn't really sound like an accident–"

"We kissed alright?! I freaked, I fell, and she had to save me like some knight in shining armor. I didn't plan it so just leave it for once okay Ray? I honestly don't need your input."

Ray watched as he got up, slamming the door to the bathroom just as Stellar came out. "He alright?"

Ray smiled tiredly, about to go back to bed. "Hard to tell. I'll see you in the morning. Or more of a reasonable hour, I suppose,"

She waved him goodnight and wandered over to the little kitchenette in the corner. When she thought about it, it amazed her how they could fit so much onto a tiny bus like this. It amazed her how she could even be able to step foot in a bus like this. It was beyond her. The kettle dinged and gave her a fright, so she got out two mugs and began pouring the contents in, just as Gerard walked in tiredly, pulling another onesie on similar to her own. She had after all, stolen it from him. Borrowed.

"You makin' coffee?"

She rolled her Eyes, handing him the cup as they sat on the little couch. "The last thing you need is caffeine after everything you've done and taken today. I made you tea, it'll help you sleep." Gerard wrinkled his nose in disgust as he looked at it. "I don't know how people drink this crap,"

She went to grab it off of him but he snatched it back. "hey, I never said I wouldn't drink it. I'll take what I can get."

She shrugged and leant back on him, sipping in silence. And a cup later, it lived up to her words and made her sleepy, yet Gerard looked unaffected, staring quietly into space, lost in his own thoughts. It was only when her breathing became even and airy that he noticed she was asleep, and was unsure of what to do since she was still partly on him. Gerard sighed, deciding to just put her to bed himself; it was cold out here. So scooping her up bridal style, he carried her to the bunks and set her down carefully in her own, pulling the blankets up to her chin, before turning away and about to go off to his own bed. Just as he stood up, a hand shot out and grabbed his forearm lightly. "Don't go..." Stellar mumbled sleepily. He tensed, unsure again of what to do. After a few minutes of hesitation, he thought to hell with it and just lay down next to her anyway, crawling under the covers and shutting the curtains behind him. Hesitantly, he put his arm around her, a small smile gracing his face as she absentmindedly snuggled closer. He then looked at the peacefulness, the serenity, the calm on her features as she slept. And one thought came to his head.

This is one thing I refuse to destroy.

Yet Gerard Arthur Way had always somehow been prone to self destruction.

To him, there was always something strangely romantic about it.

It had become an addiction.

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