I'm on fire with updating wooo 🔥


"So remind me again why exactly you were matchmaking your brother? I'm sorry, but it just sounds kinda creepy,"

Frank leant against the post on the porch the next morning, drinking a mug of coffee and looking out at the mountains as Mikey chatted to him. Mikey took a sip out of his mug before he spoke. "Because I want him to be happy. And I know you can do that for him Frank. Gerard- he hasn't been happy in a long time. Sure he has his moments, but there's still the ongoing depression. Even if you can make him laugh at least once everyday, my job here is done."

Frank processed his words. Make Gerard happy? Him? He didn't see how he could do that. Gerard was the one that made him happy. But he would do his best. "I'll try my best Mikey, I'll give you that. Your a good brother. " Mikey smiled and looked behind him, where the screen door opened and shut to reveal the devil himself.

"Hey," Gerard greeted, sitting down across from Frank on the porch steps, legs drawn up as he adjusted his coat nervously. He didn't know where he and Frank stood, after last night it was just confusing. He'd freaked out after the kiss and ran off to his room, too shy to venture out until now. "Mornin'. Sleep well?" Frank asked casually, looking at him over the top of his mug. Mikey got up to leave. "I need food. See you guys later." Gerard sent him a pleading look but was ignored as he walked inside.

"Uh, not too great to be honest," Gerard said, retying his scarf to avoid eye contact. "Ah. Too much thinking?" Gee nodded. "Yeah. Kept me up too. " The pair were silent for a while, daring one another to speak or do anything. Frank was the first to break it. "Gee, about yesterday–"

Gerard cut him off with a wave of his hand. "–Don't say it Frankie. I get it. We'll forget it ever happened." Frank reached over and yanked Gees hands down from his scarf again, tying it securely for him, because it definitely wasn't an excuse to get closer to him. "Baby if this was Harry Potter I'd be extracting that memory with my huge fucking wand and just living in it," His hands now rested in the other boys lap.

Gee raised an eyebrow at his weird rant. "The only part of that sentence I heard was 'huge fucking wand'. Your so weird Frankie." He buried his head in Franks shoulder, long hair falling across the younger boys neck. Frank wrapped an arm around the older boy, shuffling closer. He could get used to this. "My point is, every moment with you is precious Gee. Special. If I had the chance, I'd spend all my fuckin' time with you, all my life."

"That sounds suspiciously like a Marriage proposal Frankie. "

"Well what if it was? If we really had a go at this, and I asked you one day when the time was right, would you say yes?" He really was going out on a limb here and he knew it. He'd only just kissed the fucker yesterday and he was already talking about spending the rest of his life with him. He wouldn't blame him if he bolted right now. But Gerard remained in the same position, cuddled up to Frank, thinking it over, and that alone spoke millions. "Well, yeah, I guess. Come to think of it, I couldn't really picture myself with anybody else. I've liked you for a really long time Frankie. Just being with you now, like this, knowing you like me back, well, its just more than I've ever dreamed of,"

Frank smiled into the top of Gerard's head, grabbing the hand that had been absentmindedly picking at his coat. "So, you wanna give this a go? Give us a go?"

"I think I'd like that." Gerard looked at Frank, his Frank, and smiled so widely and with so much joy frank had never seen him look so fucking happy. And he smiled himself, hugging the other boy and and bringing their lips together in a sweet tango of coffee, mint and nicotine. Sure it sounded horrible, but it was more heavenly than you'd know.

"Hey assholes! Think fast!"

Thinking was obviously not fast enough before a ball of snow hit them square in the face. Frank wiped the snow out of his eyes before glaring over at Stellar, Mikey and Ray who were laughing their heads off. "I will never understand why when someone sees that two people are having a moment, that it would be a great idea to interrupt them!" Frank was hit again with a face full of snow. "Hey! Leave my boyfriend alone will you? He's only little–" Frank threw a handful of snow right in Gerard's face, a bewildered look crossing his face, before turning into a devious smirk. 

"Oh motherfucker it's on!"


Short filler chapter, thought you might enjoy some frerard fluff.

If Gee or Frnk for some fucked up reason happen to be reading this, I'm fuckin sorry guys. 🙊

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