"Well, what cheery fellows,"

Joe said, breaking the more than awkward silence. She turned to them, smiling tightly. "Bundles of sunshine. Hey guys, I'm really sorry about Gerard, he's just going through a really rough time at the moment–"

"Don't make excuses for him Stellar. He's just an Alcoholic with a drug addiction. Nothing more, nothing less." Pete cut her off harshly, arms folded as he perched on the counter. She frowned at him. "Nothing more, nothing less? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Pete rolled his eyes. "It means what it means. He'll never be anything more than that. All he cares about is the booze and the drugs–"

"You don't even know him! Its not his fault he's depressed! " She yelled back at him, almost shaking with rage. How dare he criticize someone without even knowing them? "Yeah well next thing you know he'll do something really stupid and he'll be lashing out at someone or start cutting himself all to get everyone's attention–"

She looked him dead in the eye, speaking quieter now, voice almost monotone. "Oh, is that your opinion then? Is that what you thought when you found me that night? That I did that for attention?  I thought you'd understand Pete. I thought you of all people would have. I guess I was wrong again."  She took one last fleeting glance at him and slammed the door on her way out, walking angrily down stairs and stalking to the car in a rather seething manner. Mikey got on her case as soon as she got in. "Geez, what took you so long–"

"Shut the fuck up and just drive Mikey. "

And so he did just that, zooming through the city streets with a sleeping Gee in the back, snoring his head off, the box of stolen cereal still clutched tightly in his arms. His peace was disturbed however once they arrived back at base, just as the buses were ready to leave. They boarded, Ray the only one present onboard. Mikey flung himself on the couch, while Stellar helped Gee to bed. Ray passed them at the bunks. "Hey, where's Frank?" She asked.

"Huh? Oh. He's on the other bus with that blonde chick from the other day. Probably gettin' some," She made a grossed out face at him and he just laughed, messing up her hair. Gee snifled behind her, clutching his pillow to his chest. "Ohh Frankie. Why, why, whyy," He banged his head into it and groaned loudly. She giggled and raised an eyebrow. " What, Jealous you ain't getting some of her too? "

"Not her, Frankie." He said, muffled into the pillow. Wait, did she hear that right? Surely not. He must still be too drunk to string words together properly. "Huh? What do you mean?"
He groaned again. " Frankie. I want Frankie. " Gerard threw  himself onto his back. "He's so pretty with that long black hair and those big hazel eyes, cute little smile, oh fuck, and all those sexy fuckin' tattoos –"

"Okay Gee! Too much information!" She put a hand over his mouth and retracted it quickly before he could lick it. " But wait, your gay? Or Bi? Or Pan? Or something?"

He put an arm over his eyes. "No. I'm straight," She furrowed her eyebrows, obviously confused. "Huh? But you said you were into Frank?"

"I did? Fuck, I- I was joking. I'm drunk, I dont know what I'm saying." She grinned mischievously. "Oh, I dunno Gee, you seemed to enjoy describing his sexy tattoos–"

"Who's got sexy tattoos?"

They both jumped in their seats, Frank waltzing in through the door, manicured eyebrows raised and shirt off, his 'sexy tattoos' on show for the world to see, or even better, Gee. Gerard banged his head against the top of his bunk as he sat up, eyes wide and cheeks red as he stared at Frank almost hungrily. "I- um- Lindsey. " He stuttered. Frank crossed his arms, looking directly at Gerard now. "Who, Lindsey Ballato? Yeah, I suppose. She does a pretty rad backbend too. Nothing on my Sexiness though," he grinned. " Definitely." Gerard muttered automatically, Frank obviously hearing him and giving him an inquisitive look, but everyone just shrugged. Gerard muttered something else before falling back on his bed, resuming his formal position. "I'm fuckin' wasted guys. Come back in a few hours with painkillers and greasy food and then we can be friends," He giggled.

Frank nodded unsurely, before continuing on past them to the bathroom. Stellar got up and went into the small living space where Mikey still sat slouched on the couch, presumably texting. He looked up, still with a look of slight anger. "What're you smiling about?"

She tried to hold it back down. "Huh? Oh nothing. Just something Gee admitted to me. " Mikey sat up, frown deepening. " Which is?" She shook her head. "Not my place to tell. Nothing to even do with me." His face relaxed slightly. "Is... It about...Frank?"

She looked back at him with surprise. "You know?" He rolled his eyes, throwing down his phone. "Of course I Know, I'm his brother. He just won't accept it himself yet,"  She threw a packet of chips his way. He continued talking. "And your fine with it? Cause I mean, like, you guys kissed and all,"

She nodded. "Well yeah, of course I'm fine with it. Its not like we had anything going on. I'm actually kind of excited for them. I'm already secretly shipping." He smiled a genuine smile and hugged her, all traces of anger gone off his face. "Thank fuck for that. I've been trying to get those two together for fuck knows how long. They like each other, but dont know the feelings mutual. This morning when Frank found out what happened last night he kinda just gave up on all hope of Gerard liking him back, which is why I was angry with you coz I thought you messed things up. But I guess not."

"Well, it seems You and I MikeyWay,  are going to get those two together even if it kills us. Deal?"

He chuckled. "Deal."

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