
Gerard wasn't hard to find exactly, being the only patch of black in the sea of colours that was the city's  nightlife. "Gee! Wait up!" Stellar jogged up to him, out of breath as she tried to keep up with his long legs. "Gee. Come home, please. The band needs you. " Gerard rolled his eyes and kept walking. "Gee cmon, please. If not for you, if not for me, do it for Mikey. He wouldn't want to see you like this!" She pled.

Gerard laughed humorlessly. "What, a drunk, depressed, drugged up worthless piece of shit? Too bad, I can't help in that department." She latched onto his arm as they weaved through the crowd. "Gerard you are not worthless! Where'd you get that from? We all love you!"

He muttered something incoherent, along the lines of 'not in the way you want' or something, most of it drowned out by all the noise as they neared a club. He made to go near it, as much as she tried to veer him off. On arrival at a particular less glamorous one, the bouncer immediately waved him through the door upon recognition. Stellar squinted once they were in, blinding, flashing, multicolored lights streaming about the room, making her want to have a fit. Some kind of upbeat pop music was blasting through two huge speakers while they pushed through a bunch of gyrating strangers on the dancefloor. Gerard arrived at the bar and ordered a drink, knocking it back within seconds of receiving it, immediately ordering another. "Gerard, please can we go? This place is horrible. "

He groaned as he knocked back another glass, slightly slower this time. "What's wrong with it?"

"Well, for starters, it's too loud, the people are really touchy feely and I feel like I'm going to somehow going to develop epilepsy from those stupid lights."

"Your the one that followed me here. I never asked you to come." She sighed and put a hand on his forearm. "Yeah well you know I'm not leaving here, or anywhere else without you. "

He was silent for a moment before he finished his drink and got up. "Cmon then. Off we go." He shoved back through the crowd, much to their annoyance, before barelling out the door and onto the street once again. "Right. This way." She grabbed onto his arm again as he lead her up the street, around a block and straight into a liquor store. "Really Gee? I thought we were going back to the buses." She complained as he picked up a bottle of Jack Daniels, paying for it and a lighter. "We will eventually. You said you wanted to get out of there, so that's what I'm doing. " He stated simply, before walking off.  "Where're we going?"

"You'll see." And that she did see. Gerard led her down to what seemed to be a beach with a little pier edging off into the water. He walked along it as if with a purpose, before plonking down on the end and dangling his legs off the side. He then opened the bottle of Whiskey, taking a swig and looking out to see. "You just gonna stand there all night or what?"

Stellar looked down uneasily at the water below, before sitting down carefully. They sat in silence for a while, just listening to the waves lap at the sand further down the beach. Eventually Gerard spoke.

"I'm sorry. "

She slid her eyes over to him, but his didn't leave the waves. "For what?"

"For everything. Ruining your dinner. Probably fucking up your friendship. I made a whole dick of the band. " She was quiet for a moment as she mulled over his words. "Dinner was ruined from the start anyway. As for fucking up my friendships? I'm a big girl, I can handle anything. As for making a dick of the band? Hardly. If anyone was making a dick out of anyone, it was Pete. If anything your sassy ass beat his ego down a few notches, which I'm sure will help everyone out alot, believe me. Don't beat yourself up over it gee. It's not worth it." She grabbed the bottle out of his hands and took a gulp, feeling the fire and bitterness burn down her throat. He raised an eyebrow at her, taking the bottle back as they started passing it back and forth. "Can I ask you something?" She said hesitantly.

Gerard took a deep breath. "I can guess what your going to say, so spit it out." Stellar bit her lip, taking another sip of liquid courage. "What, ah, what are you high on right now?"

"Cocaine. " He said casually.

"Oh. Okay. "

Gerard laughed outright, a big smile on his face. She looked at him confusedly. He back over at her with an amused grin, patting her shoulder. "Of all the things you could have said, you said 'oh. Okay. ' Not 'gerard no that's bad for you your going to die' or something. Just 'oh, ok' . Fucking legend."

She frowned at him. " Um, did you want me to say those things? I just assumed you'd probably flip out and yell at me or something. I don't know." She shrugged, looking at her feet. She could feel Gerard staring at her, burning holes through her head. "I- I wouldn't yell at you. I know you only care. " He wrapped his arm around her sideways, bringing them closer together on the pier. "...And don't forget I care about you too, Stel. Never doubt that." Stellar gave him a small smile as she looked up at him, hair messy and falling in his face, hazel eyes dark with the shadows as they traveled down her face and back up again. Immediately their lips crashed together, almost as if desperate or in search of something.

Out of breath, Gerard pulled back and grinned like an idiot. And in the spur of the moment, leapt off the side of the pier, into the cold water below.

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