Chapter 9

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Previously on Open Your Heart, Chapter Eight: "Stop being so damn naive. You know what, fuck it. If you can't believe me, then it's your problem. I'm done trying to be nice to you" he says slamming the door open and walking away. Leaving me heartbroken.

(Listen to the song above as you read the chapter)

Sinb's POV

"I'm done trying to be nice to you"

"I'm done trying to be nice to you"

"I'm done trying to be nice to you"

That one sentence has been replaying in my head ever since the incident. Why did I have to be so god damn stupid? He was slowly changing and now he's back to being the old Jungkook. If only I had just listened to him. I groan inwardly, letting my forehead hit the desk.

"Sinb are you okay? Everyone's kind of staring at you right now" Umji whispers. I immediately whipped my head up. To see everyone including Ms.Stewart looking at me.

"Sorry, I have a headache Ms.Stewart" I smoothly lie.

"Oh dear, Umji can you talk Sinb to the office?" Ms.Stewart says believing me.

"Yes Ms.Stewart"

We walk out the class, and instead of going to the office, we walk into the girl's bathroom. Once we get inside, Umji makes sure to lock it.

"Cut the crap Sinb. What's bothering you so much?" Umji asks as I lean against the corner of the wall.

I let out a sigh "It's Jungkook, he hasn't shown up for school since the fight. He told me why he beat up Peter and my response made it sound like I was siding with Peter. I was so wrong Umji. It's all my fault".

"He needs some time to cool off and probably think about everything. He's probably in the same condition as you are too" we both chuckle.

"You're right. Besides if I wanted to make amends with Jungkook, he would have to be present". It's probably because we never traded phone numbers.

"Cheer up Sinb, we'll all go out for lunch today and eat your favorite!" she says with jazz hands.


"Yes of course meat"

"Alright, I'm happy now, let's go and finish class. So, I can get my food" I say pulling her up with me.

After conversing with Umji, I felt at ease. But I could still feel the guilt inside of me, but I knew he meant what he said. Time is what we both needed.

Yuju, Eunha, and Jimin agreed to meet us outside to go out for lunch. Umji ran back to her math class to get her textbook she left behind. I closed my locker, beginning to walk down the hallway.

"Hey! Are you Hwang Sinb?" Taehyung a member of Best 6 came up to ask me.

"Yes" avoiding eye contact, because it was "Disrespectful" to look at a Best 6 member.

"You're coming with me right now. Because of your words, Jungkook has not come out of his room," he said pulling my arm.

"Wait wait, it's not my problem anymore. He doesn't want to see me anymore" I say trying to pull my arm free from his grip.

"God this boy. He's been beating himself up for what he said to you. He regrets it I can assure you. Now hurry up, before he does something even more stupid" as we began to run.

We get outside and I see Yuju, Eunha, and Jimin staring at me.

"Uh, I have business to attend to. Don't wait for me, go eat lots of meat for me!" I shout aloud to them before I get into the car.

After getting into the back seat, I look forward to see someone, not Taehyung sitting in the passenger seat.

"Hello! I'm Hoseok. You must be Sinb, it's a pleasure to me-" he's cute off after receiving a slap on the back of the head from Taehyung.

"You're not supposed to be so ecstatic to meet her. So shut up and turn around" Taehyung says with his eyes on the road.

"Fuck you, there's finally someone outside the group I get to talk to, and you're ruining it" Hoseok pouts. We're all silent the rest of the way.

Once we reach the house, Taehyung and Hoseok guide me to Jungkook's room. They go back to the entrance door and guard it, so now I have no way of escaping. I stand in front of Jungkook's bedroom door and knock on the door, once.

"Go the fuck away Taehyung. I don't want to see you fag" He shouts angrily.

With the way things are going, I know I won't make any progress. So, I take in a deep breath and walk into the room. I see bottles of beer scattered across the floor, the room smells like smoke, the lights are dim, and there I see Jungkook sitting in the corner of the room. Shirtless I should add.

"I said get the fuck out"


He looks up and there I can see the broken boy. He has dark eye bags under his eyes indicating the lack of sleep he's been getting. His chest is sweaty. His knuckles have dried blood on them. Seeing Jungkook in this state broke my heart.

"Sinb," he says slowly like he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

I dropped my bag on the floor and ran to him. I got down on my knees and cradle his bruised face with my hands.

"You're hurt Jungkook" I breathed out.

"You're here. You're actually here" he says as I see his eyes begin to water up.

"I am. I'm not going anywhere, I promise. You have so many cuts and bruises Jungkook. I need to fix you up, where is the first aid kit?" I ask trying to swallow my sob.

"No don't get up, I'm fine. Just stay here please" he said looking like a lost child.

He had opened up his legs so I was now straddling him, I still kept my hands on the sides of his cheeks. I knew he needed a sense of reassurance of me not leaving him so I didn't move quite yet. But the cuts could end up getting infected so I knew we couldn't stay like this much longer.

I brought myself closer to him and I hesitated before placing my lips onto his. It barely took a second for him to respond. There were no fireworks like in those fairy tales, but it did fill me with warmth. Our lips moved in sync, he pulled me closer and eventually I pulled back needing air.

"I'm going to leave you for only one minute to get a first aid kit okay?" he hesitated at first but finally agreed. I probably look like a bright red tomato by now.

I came back within a minute after asking Hoseok for the kit. When I come back I see him with open arms. I don't hesitate this time, but I welcome myself into his warm chest. I start to disinfect the cuts on his face, chest, and hands. I was so concentrated, I didn't notice how silent it was. His voice broke me out of my train of thoughts.

"You just took my first kiss"

This is definitely my favorite chapter so far. There's a lot of emotions portrayed by the characters. This is also the longest chapter I've written. Don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks for reading!

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