Chapter 16

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Previously on Open Your Heart, Chapter Fifteen: I rolled my eyes and cupped her face into my large hands, kissing her senseless. My silly girl.

Sinb's POV

Monday, the worst day of the week. The weekend had gone by so fast and now I have to get out of my comfy bed to get ready. The struggles.

I sat upright on my bed and picked up my phone that was laying on the night stand. I had one new text message from Jungkook.

From My Man 😍:

Good morning baby, I hope you slept well. The boys want to meet you, especially Jin. Hope you don't mind. Anyways, I'll meet you in the parking lot at school like always. Miss you already, xoxo.

I smiled at the text message. Jungkook's been sending morning text messages and night text messages every single day. It really brighten my day. He would only send night text messages if he was too busy to come over at night. The sneaky boy kept crawling through my window with opened arms.

Finally after a few minutes sitting in my bed, I decided to get ready for the day. I never wanted Jungkook to pick me up from my house to drive to school. It was unnecessary and I wasn't ready to introduce him to the girls. Although he's only met Sowon formally.

Once the girls and I got to school, I immediately spotted him leaning against his black car. When will I get to drive on my own?

He was wearing a white shirt and black skinny jeans, pairing it off with sun glasses. The simplest things always looked the best on him.

I hopped out the car with my backpack, he turned his head in my direction and smiled. He took of his sunglasses and hooked it onto his shirt. While I walked to him I could feel the stares of everyone outside the school, I wish people would mind their own business.

Once I got to him, he pulled me by the hips to his chest. This was our daily routine, so by now I was used to it. I could smell his cologne and the mint in his breath.

"Good morning beautiful" He said.

"Morning handsome" I said tracing random shapes on his firm chest.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked

"Well wouldn't you know. You refused to leave my room last night." He threw his head back laughing.

"You caught me, but can you blame me? I couldn't sleep without my baby girl in my arms." Widening his eyes to exaggerate his point.

"Yeah, yeah I get it. Anyways, when will I be meeting your friends?" I asked.

The thought of meeting his friends surprisingly didn't really intimidate me as I thought it would. The only person I was afraid of meeting was Yoongi and Namjoon. Yoongi always had a scowl plastered on his face and Namjoon seemed like a person who is way to sexual.

"During lunch. We're all going to go out to a diner to eat down the block. Are you nervous?" His gaze was softened after his question.

"Not really, but I do have a feeling inside of me that tells me they won't like me very much. I mean we're all different people, we might end up clashing with our different preferences." I didn't want to point out Yoongi and Namjoon, just to avoid any arguing.

"Don't worry about if they like you or not. You're here because I like you, don't be bothered by them. I'm sure most of them will like you and if they say anything offensive to you, I'll just knock some sense into them.

I lightly punch his chest "You and your violence is unstoppable".

"Well if it means protecting my girl, then it's worth it" he said pecking my lips.

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