F is for Forever!!!!!!!!!

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Okay guys, the video above is the AMV that inspired me to make this book. So you could listen to it while reading this or look at it after if you want.

First memory: Liechtenstein: 3 or 4, Prussia and Austria: 14 and 13, HRE (Germany): 6, Switzerland: 10 or 9

Second memory: Liechtenstein: 6


Lighting struck and thunder boomed.

Liechtenstein screamed, ran upstairs, and hid under her bed shaking, Gunther ran after her and went under the bed. He tried to comfort his owner but her tears continued to flow.

Liechtenstein wasn't exactly afraid of thunderstorms, but her father had faded during one, she had saw it, and was alone for awhile after it. She hated being alone during these things.

Switzerland had a meeting with his boss so he wasn't here, it was only her and Gunther. She buried her face in Gunther's fur.

She heard the door open and close and footsteps running upstairs.

The person opened her door and walked towards her bed, they knew she was under there.

Gunther got ready to strike, if the person was gonna cause harm any to Liechtenstein.

"Lily, can you come out?" She heard the person ask.

Liechtenstein didn't move at all or make a sound.

Prussia looked under the bed and looked straight at his baby sister, "Lily, can you come out for me please?"

Liechtenstein looked up at her eldest brother, she had red eyes and tear stains.

It broke his heart.

He held out his hand for her to take, she took it and got up from under the bed. Thunder boomed again and she buried her face in Prussia's chest.

Prussia rubbed her back and whispered comforting words in her ear, she eventually calmed down. "Do you wanna, watch some movies and eat ice cream and popcorn?" she nodded.

Prussia had been already coming over, but when he heard the thunder, he drove over faster.

"You came," she said into his chest, it was 8 o clock at night, "Shouldn't you be partying somewhere though?"

"Well, I was already coming, but of course I came," he said, "We're the family of awesome, and what does the family of awesome do?"

Liechtenstein slightly smiled and looked up at Prussia, "We stick together,"

"Forever." They both said at the same time.

He smiled at her, "That's right," They started walking downstairs with Gunther following.

Everybody knew that Switzerland and Liechtenstein were close, and that Germany and Prussia were close.

But many countries didn't know that Prussia and Liechtenstein were extremely close.

They always were.


The thunder boomed even louder, Little Liechtenstein jumped, ran downstairs, and ran over to her father who was on the couch reading. 

"Vati?", she sniffled

Germania looked at his baby girl who had tears running down her face, "What wrong?" he asked her.

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