Z is for Zeal!!!!!

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Zeal: A strong sense of eagerness.


The BTT all laid back in chairs on France's balcony, drinking beers.

Tomorrow was it.

France was getting married.

None of them could believe it.

They would do something for a bachelor party, but France didn't want to have to be bailed out of jail on his wedding day.

England would never forgive him for that.

"Well Franny," Prussia said, "Looks you're officially off the market as of tomorrow."

France chuckled and nodded.

"Remember when we all met England?" Spain asked.

They all thought back to that day.

"Yeah," The other two said.

"That seems like a long time ago," Prussia said.

"Because it was," A voice repiled with sass.

The three men all turned their heads to see France's and Spain's oldest sons.

The North American Brothers.

The boys were all staring at the three men with bored expressions and crossed arms.

Well, expect for Diego who was snickering at what Canada said.

"Are you calling us old, mijo?" Spain asked.

"Well, considering the fact that you guys are 2,000 years and older, you fit the description. Old," Canada blankly said.

"Where do they get this sass from?" Prussia asked his friends.

"I have no idea," Spain said, "They weren't like this when they were younger."

"Although..." France said, "Angleterre can be sassy at times. It may have rubbed off."

America rolled his eyes, "Anyway, you oldies shouldn't be here right now. You should be having a bachelor party!!"

"We would, mon fils, but I don't want to have to be bailed out of jail on my weddibg day."

"Who said you had to get arrested?" America asked.

"He has a point," Spain said.

"I know I do, anyway Papa!! Come on, it's your last night before you tie the knot!! You have to do something before it!!"

France thought about, before nodding and getting up, "You're right, it's my last night."

"Yep!!" America said excitedly, "He looked at the front door, "Come on in guys!!"

As soon as he said that, some of the other male nations of the world busted in.

"Were they always there!?!" The BTT asked.

"Yeah," The N.A.B. replied casually before walking back in the house.

The BTT followed.


"Okay!! Okay!!" Prussia said as he stood up drunk on France's table, "As we all know!! Tomorrow's the day Franny ties the knot!! Let's just sing this bachelor one last song for the night!!"

Denmark started to play the song, 'I'm sexy and I know it' they all soon started to sing along.

Prussia who was dancing on the table, fell off and just started to laugh.

"At least we were able to control ourselves," Spain laughed and France nodded.

"Oui, but we're gonna have to wake him up early tomorrow," France yawned, "I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning mon frere," He walked to his room, he was filled with zeal for tomorrow.


"We all ready?" A slight hungover Prussia asked. He had taken some medicine for the headache and was feeling much better.

"We all are," Diego said, "But we're still waiting on the groom."

Right now, the males who were part of the bridle party were about to head to the church. But France still hadn't come out.

"Should someone go check on him?" Canada asked.

"I will," Prussia said, he walked to France's room and knocked on the door, "Yo Franny, you okay? You hungover from yesterday?" He walked in the room and saw France all dressed and ready but sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.

"What if he doesn't want to do this? What if he doesn't want to get married."

"Are you kidding me France!?! You two have been through so much together, do you know how many kids you guys raised?"

"Along with me!!" Spain called out.

"Along with Spain? You went through a forced breakup, got back together, went through wars together-"

"Exactly!! Why would he want to marry someone he had wars with so many times?!"

Wow, the country of love was in distressed on his own wedding day.

"He said yes, when you proposed, right?"

"Yeah," France nodded.

"He got engaged with someone he had many wars with!! He's in a relationship with somone he had many wars with. I'm pretty sure, we wouldn't be here right now if he said no," Prussia pulled him up, "Now lets go, no stressing on your wedding day."

France smiled and nodded, "Let's go," He walked out of his room and into the living room.


"Uhh... France," Spain said, "They're fine, you know," He said as France brushed Diego's and Brunei's hair for the 4th time.

"I'm just trying to make their hair stay in place."

"We're here!!" Prussia called out.

He parked the car and they all got out and headed into the church.

"Finally, someone's here!!" Liechtenstein said.

"How long have you been here?" Prussia asked.

"2 hours!! Bruder was setting up the piano," She pointed at Austria who was looking through his music papers.

Germany walked up. He was trusyed with making sure everything was set and in place, "Good, you're here. The guests are coming and now all we're waiting for are the bridesmaids and bride.... or is it groom?"

"You can say either," America shrugged.

Austria and Switerzland, who just got there, walked over and Liechtenstein looked at her brothers, "Remember when we we're younger and we all said when we thought England and France were gonna get married?"

"Yeah," They nodded confused. Until Prussia understood what she was doing.

"Dang it Lily!!" He got his wallet out.

France sighed, "Did you bet on us?"

"Yeah," Liechtenstein laughed, "I said in 400 years while these four said 200. I win!!"

They all sighed.

Their sister really wanted them to go bankrupt.


I'm not really sure if this was a good ending to the book. Well anyways, thank you to everyone who read and voted on this. And the wedding will be in North American Brothers A-Z.

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