P is for Part 2!!!!!

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France woke up and looked around the room that was only being lighten up with sunlight. He felt a weight on him, looked down, and smiled to see England laying on his chest, asleep.

He then heard something like singing and looked out the window, to see the Germanic Family already up and jogging.

It sounded like they were singing some kind of German military song.

As they passed by, France saw Prussia smirk and wink at him.

France frowned. He was planning on doing more training with his younger brothers this morning but not this early.

Oh well, change of plans.

"Morning Franny!!" Prussia yelled, "We're just having a little morning run!! See you later!!"

He watched the Germanic Fam jog away.

France immediately got up and out of bed. Accidentally waking up his fiance in the process.

"France?" England tiredly asked, as he tiredly opened his eyes.

France gave him a light kiss and pulled the covers on him higher, "Go back to sleep mon amour, I'm going to train, I'll see you later."

"Okay," He said closing his eyes and immediately falling back to sleep.

France got ready and walked out of the room, to his brothers' room.


Prussia had ordered all his siblings to take a stretching break on the field.

He heard what sounded like someone trying to get others to hurry up or something and looked to see the Latin Fam jogging over.

"Finally decided to catch up, huh?"

France gave him a look but didn't respond yet. He ordered his brothers to do some laps before turning back to Prussia, "Just got a later start than you all, thats all."

Prussia saw the Latin Family's 'cheerleaders' trying to cheer but epicly failing.

As always.

"Your cheerleaders barely have any cheer in them."

France looked at his sons before turning back to Prussia, "They're just tired."

Prussia laughed and started to walk away, "Whatever you say Franny. See you at the games."

France than walked over to the twins  and forced them to start running with his brothers to wake them up.

This was gonna be a long morning.


"Welcome to day two of the Annual Latin- Germanic Olympics!!" Australia  annouced into the microphone, "The first round for today is rowing!!"

The two familes were in row boats on a lake.

"Go!!" Australia yelled.

They took off.

Both families seemed to have the same strategy.

They were all rowing together at the same time, as if they were on a beat.

But the Germanics were still in the lead.

This may have been because they were rowing back with more force.

The Latin Family started trying to row faster. But that was going nowhere. The boat started going every which way.

Their cheerleaders who were in a boat next to them, just watched it all happen.

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