I is for Improper!!!!!!

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So, Switzerland was out at a meeting which meant, Prussia was babysitting Liechtenstein.

But you see, Prussia isn't any ordinary babysitter. No, when he babysat his little sister, something always happened.

They usually messed with Austria causing said nation to always say that it was very improper for a babysitter to behave like this.

Prussia never listened.


"Come on West," Prussia whined, "I'm the best babysitter ever!!"

Germany sighed, "Bruder whenever you babysit Liechtenstein, something happens."

"So?" Austria rolled his eyes.

Right now, Austria, Switzerland and Germany were deciding whether or not to let Prussia keep babysitting Liechtenstein.

"Please, let him keep doing it," Liechtenstein begged, "He's the best babysitter ever."

"Lily," Switzerland started, "Explain to us why he should, what exactly makes you say that he's the best babysitter ever?"

Liechtenstein and Prussia looked at each other and smirked before looking back at their brothers and wiping the smirks off.

"Well...." Liechtenstein started. 


"Alright boys, pay up," Liechtenstein said smirking.

The  BTT  all groaned, Spain handed her 1,500 dollars, France gave her 2,000 and Prussia gave her 1,000.

Liechtenstein checked her money to see if it was all there. She smiled after checking that it was and looked back at the BTT, "Tis a shame, I'm younger then all of you and I can beat you in poker. And I only learned last week."

They all pouted.

France looked at Prussia, "Mon ami, you taught her too well."

Prussia nodded, "I know."

Liechtenstein laughed to herself, "Aww now don't feel bad that a little girl beat three grown men like you!!"

Spain and France looked at each other, back when they were children and their grandfather/ father was still around, Germania use to come around with his kids. The two of them had met Liechtenstein when she was younger and you know what?

They always thought of her as a sweet little girl.

But at this point, they don't know if she still is.

France looked at Prussia, "Mon ami, was your sister always like this?"

Prussia did not know how to respond to that at all. Honestly there were times when Liechtenstein scared him.

"Maybe," He shrugged.


"You ready for this bros!?!" America yelled out on the plane.

"Hell yeah!!!" Denmark yelled.

North and South, Denmark, Prussia, and Liechtenstein were all about to skydive out of a plane.

"On a count of three!!" Cincinnati and Columbus yelled (American Cities)

"One!!!" Baja California yelled. (Mexican State)

"Two!!" Yukon yelled out. (Canadian Territory)

"Three!!"  Winnipeg yelled. (Canadian City)

They all jumped out of the plane.

"Keseseseseese!!!! This is so awesome!!" Prussia yelled out.

"I believe I can fly!!!" Diego yelled out as he flapped his arms.

"Uhh, D, you know we can fly right?" Maria said, "When we turn into birds, remember? When we connect with our native sides?"

"Oh yeah," He laughed.

"Everyone open your parachutes!!!" Argentina yelled out, everyone did.

When they got on the ground, they were met with the North American states, cities, provinces, and territories that didn't go since they didn't want to or because they were too young.

"We are so doing that again!!!" Liechtenstein yelled out pumped, Prussia just laughed at her and put his arm around his sister. "Anyone up for round two!?!" He yelled out.

"Let's do it!!!" D.C. yelled running to a nearby plane, the others started to follow him.






"You know, it would be a shame if Hungary found out it was you who set off all the water sprinkles in Big Bruder Austria's house," Liechtenstein smirked.

Prussia sighed and nodded, "Let's go."

Liechtenstein kept smirking and walked out to the garage where the motorcycles were. She got on one, Prussia threw her a helmet.

They drove out, while they were on the road, many people were shocked to see a young girl on a bike while a few other motorists gave them a thumbs up.

They rode to a field that had some ramps, France, Spain, America, and Denmark were there.

"So Prussia let's see your skills," France said.

"Uhh, Lily. Are you riding too?" America asked Liechtenstein.


Their jaws dropped.

"You know how to ride?" Denmark asked.

She pointed at Prussia, "He taught me."

They all looked at Prussia who shrugged, "What? She threatened to blackmail me." He looked at his sister, "You sure about this?"

She nodded, "Let's do it."

Prussia rode his bike to a ramp and drove up it, he did a flip in the air before driving down the other side of the ramp.

Liechtenstein rode to the same ramp and did two flips.

 Prussia then rode up a ramp and jumped off the seat, he then grabbed it and pulled himself back on before driving down the other end of the ramp. Liechtenstein then went up to a bigger ramp and drove up it, when she was in the air she got off her seat and stood on it before sitting back on it and drive back down the other side of the ramp.

As she and Prussia went on, the other nation's jaws dropped.


"And in conclusion, that is why Bruder is the best babysitter ever," Liechtenstein said smiling.

"See?" Prussia said, "I told you I'm the best!!!"

The other three were just in shock.

"Now if you'll excuse us," Liechtenstein picked up Gunther and her and Prussia started walking to the door, "We have poker night with Spain and France," They walked out the house.

The remaining three just looked at each other.

Prussia was the most improper babysitter ever.


Is there a scenario that you guys want me to up in the book with Liechtentein being badass?

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