X is for X-Ray!!!!

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Germany rushed into the hospital, he had gotten a call from France earlier about his brother.

Apparently Prussia had broken his leg.

When he asked how, France just snickered and told him that he would tell him when he got to the hospital.

Germany had a feeling that Prussia did something stupid.

And usually when he got those feelings, he was right.

Prussia had been babysiting Liechtenstein and he had told him, to not invite Spain and France over.

Because we all know, when the BTT was together, things got real crazy.

And stupid.

Germany walked into Prussia's hospital room, "What did you do?!"

The BTT and Liechtenstein all started laughing at the memory of how Prussia broke his ankle.

"Are you all going to tell me what happened?"

"Well West," Prussia started, "It all started a few hours ago.


"Are you sure about having them over?" Liechtenstein asked her brother as France and Spain walked in the house.

"Of course, I am Lily!! It's not like anything's gonna go wrong," He repiled smiling.

She gave him a look, "When the three you are together, something always goes wrong. And Bruder told me that if you invite them over, tell you to kick them out. So kick them out."

"No thanks," Prussia said back.

"Oh well, I tried," She shrugged before walking to the living room.

Prussia followed her and the four played poker for a bit before they all got bored.

"So.. what do you two usually do when you're babysitting?" Spain asked Prussia.

"Sometimes we go untune Roddy's piano, other times we just watch movies and chill."

"Hmm..." France said, "Well, we messed with Austria yesterday, so we should leave him alone. What should we do now?"


"Can you please, get to the point?"

"You're so impatient West," Prussia repiled, "We're getting there, okay?"

Germany sighed but nodded.

"Thank you," Prussia cleared his throat, "Anyway as I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted."


They all started to think.

"I got nothing," Liechtenstein said, "Wait!! We should make a leaf pile, a gigantic one to jump in!!"

The BTT looked at each other, before shrugging.

"Sure/Why not?" They all said.

They all headed outside to gather as much leaves as they could.


"You jumped in a left pile and broke your ankle?"

"West!! We're getting there!!"


It took awhile but soon, they were able to gather all the fallen leaves off the ground and make the huge pile.

"I guess, we just jump in now?" Prussia asked, "I'm not use to doing simple stuff," He looked at his best friends, "You two have kids, do we just jump in now?"

Liechtenstein rolled her eyes, "Yes, you jump in."

Prussia groaned, "That's too simple. We made a huge pile, you can't just jump in. You gotta do something special!!"

"What do you want to do?" France asked.

"Close your eyes."

Once they did, Prussia ran across the lawn, climbed the tree, and jumped onto the mansion's roof, "Open them!!"

They did so and their eyes widened.

"Bruder...." Liechtenstein asked slowly, "What are you doing?"

"Watch," Prussia backed up a bit before running and jumping off the roof. He tried to grab onto the tree branch to swing himself.

But missed

And fell to the ground.

Where he hit his leg.



Germany face planted, "You can't be serious."

"I'm as serious as I can be West," Prussia laughed, he took something of the table, "You wanna see my X-ray?"

Germany sighed and got up to go sign Prussia's discharge papers.

He didn't know what he was gonna do with him.

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